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[–]wristaction 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Communist regimes do censorship.

Liberal regimes do censorship.

The regime this poll was sampling was a Liberal regime. The censorship that has occurred under this Liberal, Democracy regime has been tolerant of the dissent of Communists, with whom it shares a prerogative to censor Fascist and National Socialist speech.

Let's underline that point clearly: At the height of the Cold War, when Communists were expressing their dissent through bombings, riots and assassinations, the elite Liberal institutions stood beside Communists on freedom of speech grounds. At no point were Fascist or National Socialist viewpoints permitted to be voiced. Communists and Liberals behave hand-in-glove with one another on the project of suppressing Nationalist speech and assembly. Throughout the Trump era, we've witnessed the Liberal regime of the US government use Communist street thugs to violently shut down speech and peaceable assembly of Fascist, National Socialist viewpoints. There exists in some states laws which protect civil rights on the basis of viewpoint. These laws were passed by Liberals to protect Communists. They are not applied to protecting the civil rights of Fascist or National Socialist viewpoint holders.

So it's quite audacious for liberals to pretend that censorship is Fascism, like blaming the dissident for getting blood on the toe of your boot.