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[–]weavilsatemyface 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

I mean it could also just be the normal reaction to someone consistently breaking the law


Wait, you're serious?!

Aside from the question of whether or not anything Trump has done is actually a crime or not, we can get an idea of how honest and fair this is by looking at what he's been charged with. Some of the serious crimes include:

  • Encouraging people to watch TV.
  • Reserving a room at the Georgia Capitol for a meeting.
  • Requesting signature verification. Asking for signatures to be verified, as required by law, is a criminal act now.
  • Asking for phone numbers.
  • Making phone calls.
  • Encouraging somebody to attend a hearing.
  • Eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches without a license.

Just kidding about the PB&J one. But the rest are actual items in the indictment.

The important question here is... if Putin had charged one of his political enemies with an indictment like this, what would you think? This is Banana Republic third-world dictatorship shit.

[–]Site_rly_sux 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

What a ridiculous post you made.

Bruh it's not a crime to simply stand outside a building!! There's no "don't just stand there" law.

(Unless you're the lookout for a bank robbery happening inside, then it's illegal)

Bruh it's not a crime to make a sandwich! What, is there some PBJ law on the books?!

(Unless you're planning to poison someone, or sneak peanuts into an allergy victim, or you broke into my house and are using my kitchen)

BRUH it's not a crime to make a phone call!! People make millions of phone calls every day! What is this crazy witch-hunt!

(Unless you're blackmailing, or racketeering, or you're harassing someone, or they have a restraining order against you, or you're doing some cross state telecomms fraud)

Suddenly it just became a crime to stand around in public, make a sandwich, and use the telephone! Whatever will these crazy Dems think of next!

Honestly u/weavilsatemyface you have taken such a childish approach to this. Nobody said that it's illegal to use Twitter. This is quite literally burying your head in the sand to ignore WHY little Jimmy was stood outside the bank during the robbery that day.

[–]weavilsatemyface 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Bruh it's not a crime to simply stand outside a building!! There's no "don't just stand there" law.

Of course there is.

Aside from the peanut butter joke, every item I listed is an actual item on the Georgia indictment. Most of them are protected speech, and the others are so ludicrously overbroad that no sane legal system will consider them evidence of a crime.

You're so desperate to convict Trump of something, anything, whether a crime was actually committed or not, that you're excusing Georgia treating protected free speech as a crime.

The Dems spent the entire eight years of Junior Bush's presidency, and the four years of Trump's, claiming that they were illegitimate and they had stolen the election. Barrack Obama won his first seat by challenging an election. So sure, you go right ahead and criminalise questioning election results, there's no way that could possibly backfire on politicians you approve of. Right?

[–]Site_rly_sux 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

You're so desperate to convict conspirators to a bank robbery that you would convict a lookout for just standing there on the streeet?

But he didn't rob anyone! He was literally just standing by the road, which is not illegal!!

That's what you sound like, dumbass.

A conspirator can be eating a sandwich and drinking coffee when the conspiracy he's a party to, goes down. Doesn't mean he's arrested for sandwich and coffee, does it, moron

[–]weavilsatemyface 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

A conspirator can be eating a sandwich and drinking coffee when the conspiracy he's a party to, goes down. Doesn't mean he's arrested for sandwich and coffee, does it, moron

Except in this case, you're trying to argue that "he was eating a sandwich" is evidence that he was a lookout but there's no bank robbery.

The only evidence you have for a bank robbery is "he was eating a sandwich, that proves that he was lookout for the bank robbers!"

You are suffering from one of the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome I've ever seen.

[–]Site_rly_sux 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

That's so funny.

I really didn't think this was the direction you'd take it.

Because in this scenario - the bank robbery absolutely happened because we all heard the recording. Literally everyone in America, who was at all interested in politics, heard the phone call.

So its as though the whole country watched the live feed on the cameras and now you're calling everyone else deranged because we aren't joining you in the pretense that it was a "perfect call" or whatever.

I must admit, you kind of spun me for a loop there for a second. Because the idea that you'd claim the bank robbery never happened is totally left field. Literally millions and millions of Americans heard him say "if you don't find me the votes I need to win then you're going to be in trouble". That's the equivalent of the bank robbery here.

So your only, your best defense, is to take trump OUT of the criminal conspiracy involving fake electors.

Say that trump was just eating a sandwich while the fake electors were meeting and it's not illegal to eat sandwiches.

But OMG DO NOT going around telling people that the bank robbery never happened, because you're going to come off as deranged yourself, like you did just now with me

[–]weavilsatemyface 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

the bank robbery absolutely happened because we all heard the recording. Literally everyone in America, who was at all interested in politics, heard the phone call.

What recording are you referring to? The [32 second extract( of a phone call that lasted over an hour?

I'm pretty sure not "literally everyone" has listed to the full hour. Because if they had, it is clear and obvious that Trump is not asking the Georgian Secretary of State to join in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the voters.

No fair-minded person can listen to the entire recording and decide that it is a conspiracy to commit fraud. Trump really, desperately, believed that he won and the election was stolen and Biden is not the legitimate winner. You don't have to think he is right to see that. Call it wishful thinking, call it idiocy, maybe even call it the truth, but whatever you call it, he thought the Georgia results were election fraud and it was the responsibility of the Georgian officials to investigate and not just sweep it under the carpet.

You have to be a mad Conspiracy Theory nutcase to listen to the entire hour long phone call and conclude that Trump is asking for Georgia to fraudulently invent 11 thousand non-existent votes. The worst you can say is that Trump is delusional and desperate and cannot believe that the Georgian voters voted against him. So now the state of Georgia has just criminalised being wrong.

And to justify that dangerous, dictatorial overreach, they have to invent this mad conspiracy theory that says that Trump wasn't desperately asking for Brad Raffensperger to investigate election fraud and find 11K legitimate votes that weren't counted (or 11K fake votes which were counted) but was engaged in a conspiracy to fraudulently fix the election by inventing votes.

Do you really want the government to make it a crime to dispute the results of an election?

If you criminalise being wrong and "spreading false information" (conveniently for the government, they get to decide what information is false), what happens if Trump is found not guilty by a jury?

Every single journalist and politician who has spent the last three years repeating the claims that Trump tried to steal the election will themselves be guilty of the "crime" of spreading false information.

This is a gun the Democrats and Never Trump Republicans better know how to shoot accurately, because if they miss Trump and he wins the election in 2024, they can be charged with the exact crime they have invented to get him. Oh the irony if that happens.

Its also a gun that is amazingly dangerous for democracy. State a wrong opinion? Talk about an inconvenient truth the government labels "false information"? Off to jail you go.