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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Everything is fake and a lie today.

Americans must do mental gymnastics to justify their lives.

The US is collapsing. The world has turned upside down.

Americans used to love freedom and fight Nazis and Commies, but have now become Nazis and Commies.

The elites are importing vastly different Muslims and Mexicans while telling the feminists, homosexuals, blacks, and whites to be a big, happy family.

One problem with a diversity is that you end up with a police state because diverse countries must keep the peace by banning everything. The USA didn't use to need to ban hookah bars because Americans don't go to hookah bars. The US didn't use to need to outlaw flying lanterns because Americans don't use flying lanterns. The US didn't use to need to ban eating dog meat because Americans don't eat dogs.

Americans cannot see hypocrisy, are completely ignorant of history, and don't realize the effects of unintended consequences and decrees.

There was a time when there were no passports or driver licenses and people survived just fine.

Driver licenses used to have just a name, but then birthdates, gender, and photos were required.

Now fingerprints are needed to get a license.

One problem with outlawing everything is that you must have so many loopholes to live that tyranny becomes useless and makes the laws pointless and ineffective.

Licenses now can list any age, race, or gender you want. You can be any religion you want.

A man who wanted to avoid surveillance could dress like a Muslim female or use a woman's restroom.

Americans used to be taught to love freedom, be moral, be independent, and have personal responsibility.

Americans today are told to love Socialism, be immoral, be weak, and be dependent.

Americans are taught to use safe spaces, not have friends, not hug kids, get tattoos, use drugs, get divorced, become homosexuals, get welfare, love war, embrace debt, shoplift, and pee in public.

Life has become meaningless now that everything is illegal, hard work is punished with taxes and regulations, and laziness is rewarded with welfare.

Nazis scream Americans need an ID to vote and Commies say Americans need an ID to buy a gun.

Fascists say Clinton was a monster for getting a blowjob, but don't mind that Trump broke the law by cheating on his wife with a prostitute.

Liberal Commies go batshit insane when someone is called a nigger, but don't mind criticizing liberal Jews.

Conservative Nazis hate conservative Muslims.

Americans think that they are holy gods because the US has nuclear bombs and torture, but then turn around and say North Koreans are evil because they have nuclear weapons and torture.

Americans used to be able to get a good job with an IQ test, but when black people sued because they weren't hired, companies starting requiring degrees. When blacks didn't go to college, universities starting lowering standards so much that having a college diploma is meaningless.

Americans used to be proud if they graduated from Harvard, but now you can just pay a bribe to get in.

Americans used to say the world would end because of a coming ice age. When the cooling didn't happen, Americans said there was global warming. Now Americans swear there is climate change.

Americans used to insist paper bags were dangerous. Now Americans say all bags must be banned.

Americans scream declawing cats must be illegal, but Americans are too retarded to understand that cats will need to be killed because no one wants to adopt a cat that destroys furniture.

Americans swear that you must be legally required to buy wind power, but Americans are unable to understand that wind power kills birds, is unreliable, and is costly because the windmills are far from cities.

Americans used to say alcohol was dangerous and should be illegal, but later alcohol was legalized and pot was banned. Now weed is legal, but smoking is a crime.

Americans used to say you need a business license to start a restaurant. Now Americans say illegal aliens don't need a business license to start a restaurant because Americans don't want the immigrants to be deported.

Commies say that everyone must be required to be vaccinated, but they think unvaccinated
illegal aliens are acceptable.

Black people were able to start hotels, restaurants, and funeral homes in the past because blacks couldn't use white businesses. Now blacks are given welfare and black families fall apart because girls just marry the state instead of a man.

White supremacists ridicule white people who say that they're Indians, but what do racists say when they take a DNA test and find out they are 1% black?

Racists are only allowed to be politically correct, but when society falls apart, white people explode and become Nazis.

Americans say that they live in a free, peaceful country with a balanced budget, but anyone who offers opposing evidence is called a racist and a nutjob and gets banned, gets an IRS audit, is arrested, or killed.

When the US Ponzi economy implodes,
Americans might kill each other with a Civil war among Fascists and Communists or unite against the 1% or start a race war.

The elites have turned everyone into criminals, liars, hypocrites, and cowards. The only good thing about living in a police state is that no one can take the moral high ground on anything.

Maybe the best Americans can do right now is become anonymous, buy a sailboat, and leave.