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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

One wonders if the police and government workers can be convinced to quit their jobs voluntarily.

The USA today is like when America was a British colony. Americans who work for the US government now are carrying out orders for the elites, just like the American traitors who were loyalists to England during the Revolutionary War.

Who would spy on us, torture us, extrajudicially assassinate us, or tax us without the government?

There were no police in North America in 1492. How did people ever survive?

What if the police are TAUGHT to be trigger happy?

Do police officers ever make mistakes?

Doesn't the fact that the police are never punished for killing unarmed people seem odd?

Would anyone be surprised that the police have lowered their standards if moral police officers are quitting because they don't want to enforce unconstitutional laws?

Have you noticed the police are thugs and they look even more like thugs when they have tattoos?

What if the police started hiring less qualified officers to carry out unconstitutional laws?

What if the police started hiring illegal immigrants to carry out unconstitutional laws?

What if the government used the UN to round up and kill Americans because American police and soldiers refused to fire on citizens?

Do Americans realize that the US is no longer a democracy now?

If the USA is no longer a free country, the government is owned by corporations, unconstitutional laws are legal, and the US is a police state then one wonders why the police are defending it.

The license plate readers, checkpoints, FBI facial and voice recognition, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, NSA wiretapping, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, the stockpiling of guns and ammo by the government, laws outlawing protesting, police militarization, and Jade Helm should affect both citizens and police alike.

Are the police justifying their defense of the elites because police have a brass pass and are protected from punishment? Do cops fear being one of the little people? Do the police sell out out their conscience because the government can tax, print, or borrow any amount of money to pay high salaries to government workers? Would the same police officers who would refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws for $14,000 per year be happy to torture citizens if they were paid $90,000? Are the police in the US today like the Jewish Capos who helped the Nazis run concentration camps in Germany during WWII?

Do the police have any responsibility for their actions?

Nazis said they were just following orders. Is enforcing unconstitutional laws okay?

If a police officer jails someone for having a bad debt are the police responsible?

Are the Gestapo blameless for killing unarmed Americans?

Are government workers blameless for torture?

Are government workers blameless for seizing the property of Americans?

Are TSA workers blameless for unconstitutionally groping Americans?

Are government workers blameless for unconstitutionally wiretapping Americans?

Would government workers be blameless for sending Americans to concentration camps?

Any moral American who works for the government now should just resign and stop supporting this corrupt system we live under.

One wonders why Americans worship cops, too.

Americans are naive to think the police state only applies to blacks and illegal immigrants.

Those who support the police state should realize that their beloved police are the same ones who are wiretapping EVERYONE and arresting Americans for hate speech and owning guns.

Know your real enemy.

Americans who support tyranny are just tools for the elites.

Have you noticed the security cameras, license plate readers, and checkpoints?

Do you know that everything is illegal and that you have zero rights now?

Have you ever been arrested?

Aren't you just a little concerned about the police state?

How much more will you take?

Whatever you allow the government to do to others will eventually be done to you.

The US is little better than North Korea today.

Your friendly, local police officer might be the same one who forces you to board the train heading to the concentration camps.

The police are even killing unarmed white people now.

Wake up. Think. Pass the word.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

off topic botty mcbot