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[–]FlippyKing 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"Board superintendent Michael Johnson says the policy is to ensure students feel safe particularly if they are 'unable to be themselves' while at home"

This fails on so many levels, but what is underneath it, and what is the real first enemy to fight in this is a denial of objective reality. Objectivism vs subjectivism is the first battle, and this battle goes back at least the 1500s so we've got a fight on our hands.

A student feels safe in school when they know they will not be attacked physically or yelled at, mocked or bullied. This does not include being corrected when wrong. How to correct someone when they are wrong is probably a lost art, because you have to start from a point of agreement to get to the point where the wrong diverges from the correct, where an idea that has the quality of truth (the quality of adhering to and reflecting the thing the idea describes) and the error diverge. A wrong answer, a wrong statement, a mis-identification or a mistaken identity, are probably not where the error begins. You can only correct an error where it begins-- this is why you have to re-set clocks regularly because the source of that error is not correctable.

In arithmetic or math (two different things and we should start enforcing a recognition of that fact) classes you do not just see if the answer is right or wrong but you must find where the error occured in order to correct it. It is not memorizing a date in history, it is a thinking process that must be trained. This makes it more like an art, and like rhetoric and not like history or social studies. Part of the "common core" bs in teaching math reflects the fact, either intentionally or not, that most teachers are not good at math. So, they do not allow the student to workout the problem on paper in the way they see fit and ask them only to work out the problem on paper clearly and display the answer clearly so the student's work can be checked. Instead, very specific steps of how to solve a problem may be solved are expected to be adhered to and the teacher is not to grant licence to the student to solve the problem in a more appropriate way. This puts the process backwards. You learn alternate ways to solve problems only after you learn and understand the way YOU solve the problem, provlded you learn to solve the problem. Common core is a 'my way or the highway' approach that is just another authoritarian part of schooling. While a specific way to solve a problem appears to adhere to objective reality, it is also a denial of the objectively observable nature of each potential problem solver, forcing them to adhere to one way of doing things. Teachers teach students, or they should. Indoctrinators do not teach, the assess and reward conformity. Teachers who can not really do math can not look at how any given student solves a problem and assess it on its own merits. They can not see where that student's method is well suited for one group of problems but ill suited for another. They instead, must use a rubric and not their intellect to assess the student. That they are over worked is not exactly the point, but the point is that the standardized testing treat all kids the same and subject them to the same standard because the only standard that matters is one determined by those who are at the top of society looking at students as products they either want or do not. Schools that serve communities will train the wide range of kids they have to meet their own full potential, not to adhere to the box someone in Washington creates. It denies the objective reality of each kid and instead prioritizes one way which literally could be replaced by another just as good but is not until it is and we have 'meet the new boss (method) same as the old' in its arbitrariness.

Denying objective reality, schools replace sex with gender and parents with themselves. The implication in the quote is that the schools have earned some right over the kids that the parents have not earned. You do not earn rights. You have them because of responsibilities, this is something we have lost sight of, but what a right is can be defined well by very few. What we think of as rights is usually licence. You have the licence to beat off to animae all day long, but to call that a right makes a mockery of what ever you should be doing to better yourself and assist those around your-- responsibilities you have even if you shirk them. The parents have rights over their kids because they have a responsibility to them. The school is a collection of people who have jobs dealing with your kids. Their rights and responsibilities lie elsewhere and NOT on your kids.

Who determines if the school has earned any licence (not rights) over your kids? The hiring of a teacher is an extension of trust, not a declaration of anything earned. Does each parent grant individually some authority over kids (responsibility always lies with the parent, responsibility can not be delegated, only authority) to teachers on a case by case basis? If only. No, the state has taken your kids, to train them to fill the role in the economy you play unless the state and those who the state serves see some exploitable talent in your kid. Why schools in some neighborhoods "fail" by the state's standards, and by the neighborhood's standards as well usually, is no mystery: the neighborhood has no control over itself and over its economy and over it's culture, at best the community has tiny control over small subcultures with in it (churches, a high school sports team (oh no here comes wilLiAm Thomas), a gardening club maybe) or counter-cultures or small-time criminal enterprises. Nothing outside of those small cultural and subcultural endeavors "earn" anything for or from the community. The schools serve the state's purpose, which in turn serves who ever is the state's master, and the community submits their kids to it often in a failed attempt to appease false and evil 'gods' for a better future that no one honestly believes can happen anymore without divine intervention.

A gender identity is a false identity. It breaks the most obvious thing about "identity": you are identified by your characteristics. Your identity is not you. It is how we know you are you as we define you. If you do not like that, we failed you. If you do not like you, we failed you. Or, we lied to you to set up a bigger failure. When we look at these poor kids, we probably feel sympathy but we should see some failure and root it out. When we look at these poor adults, and see them as perverts, we should also some failure (probably a porn addiction for these guys who end up in dresses and forcing the world to tolerate each new offense until the correction they subconsciously are crying for is given) and root it out. That will mean rooting out the drug company's and the industries that prey on this failure.

We lie to our kids by sending them to schools. Now it seems clear we lie when we pretend the schools are not poisoning our communities. This poisoning by schools with kids parallels the poisoning by social media and all media (as talk radio in the 90s which really went back to the earliest days of radio) of our own minds. Oh, your mind isn't poisoned? Not everyone is poisoned, some are stronger than others, the canary in the coal mine dies before the miners so they can escape in time. Not every one was killed or suffered from the jab, or they're in denial about it. Too many can not hear or read a statement with out translating it into something they are insulted by or find "problematic", without flying into an emotional reaction instead of stepping back and being rational and seeking the point of agreement before the departure into disagreement. Too many can't because too many accept the lie that everything is subjective and there is no objective reality, even if they don't realize they bought that line of bullshit.

Grilling school board candidates, school superintendents, teachers, mentors, on their adherence to objective reality seems like asking what color the sky is, but it is needed. Grilling, not just asking. Looking to see if they are just saying it or if they believe it, being an inquisition about it. Seems extreme? Well, whose responsibility are the kids? Then the right to do so is self-evident.