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[–]Yin 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

actually deal with the externalities they produce

That's your first mistake.

Externalities are at most 3% human-contributive when it comes to warming. Change and externalities exist irrespective of humans.

what you called "doomsday" (but actually rather likely)

Doomsday hysteria is their claim, not mine. I put "12 years to doomsday" in quotes. Idiots and impressionable kids genuinely buy into such globalist hysteria scaring them to hand over their sovereignty.

Much of South and Central America become uninhabitable.

Hilarious. You really believe such lies crafted by the world's most despicable, tyrannical political agents.

The US strains under the load of dealing with climate refugees and food shortages from crop failure

Only neoliberal NPCs don't understand labeling people "refugees" is a scam tactic of globalists to funnel billions of third-worlders into western nations to collapse western nations to the breaking point where they become ripe for converting into a one-world government. At the breaking point is where globalist lying press ramps up calls for a New World Order (by any name or label or agenda policy title) as the "solution" to manufactured suffering brought from unnatural "diversity" (intra-turmoil of clashing civilizations and crime) and intentionally induced economic stress, like pushing people over the edge with "covid passes" and accelerating mark of the beast tyranny control systems.

UN: "Replacement Migration"

UN (white genocide) Scamming:

"Stop having kids, whitey! Save the planet" vs. "Bring a billion Africans in to use-up western lifestyles!" Lunacy:

Rolled in smoothly by brainwashing morons. People are made to think the sky is falling and driven into suicidal madness over "climate change", "terrorism", hilarious statuses like "economic refugees", "save the children" emotional flashes on the screen, hyper-sensationalized "pandemic" scares, and the list never stops. This is a full active war by globalists to reach an end game of owning the world to a maximum extent and placing it into a globalist-communist-tiered tyranny you can't escape.

Canada strains to deal with Americans fleeing north. Basically, Americas = fucked.


The Gulf Stream snaps, making most of Europe much colder than it is currently, again disrupting agriculture and all of the EU economy.


Middle East uninhabitable.


Australia is already mostly uninhabitable, a few more degrees and it'll probably just be on fire all the time.


Islands in Asia go underwater, and the coastal nations get fucked by rising seas. Leaving China as pretty much the only country in Asia, with the exception of...


Russia. That big ole chunk of land the locals refer to as Siberia? Well hello prime and arable farmland.

Oh, wow, sweet!

And it turns out it's rather easy to spread climate change denialism because it plays nicely with conservatives' natural desire for threats to have agency.

Your mind is brainwashed by globalist hysteria selling you manufactured panic-solutions that aren't solutions.

Their "solutions" to hyper-sensationalized "problems" are always the same Trojan Horse of the nation-destroying death machine.

A long time ago, I used to think some of what they were saying about human roles in CO2 might be true. That's until I started looking at information objectively outside of the extreme confines of globalist media and "SCIENCE!" (read: fake science) zealots who use correlation-causation fallacies and absurd statistical modeling. The climate is always changing. CO2 does not have a linear causal relationship to "greenhouse"-spurred climate; it has an exponentially diminishing relationship, to the point where the vast bulk of CO2-induced warming is from its pre-human-industrial-revolution state. The remaining post-human-industrial-revolution state doesn't change it to any significant degree. Zoom out. This is the most stable period of climate in theorized and haphazardly-measured history over millions of years. Not expecting change (irrespective of humans) would be insane.

Environmentalism has been hijacked and perverted for at least 40 years. I'd like to see people care about stopping Big-Chem-Ag-Pharma and their industrial chemicals pumped into food and bodies and food chains, but now the former so-called "environmentalists" (of the 50s and 60s and 70s and on) have been converted into servants of globalists and these globalist industries and scams deflecting all attention on themselves with the "climate change" hysteria bullshit and slapping "SCIENCE!" and "GREEN!" labels on their garbage. Hence for a decade there are Monsanto ads on (e.g.) Globalist-secular-Jewish state-based propaganda machines like "NPR" and a new crop of reddit-born neoliberals praise these globalist endeavors under the banner of "SCIENCE!" and "GREEN!". Their minds are polluted vessels, ironically. They're a mono-cultured, bio-engineered suicide crop of a cult.

[–]AcceleratedWallops 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (7 children)

I think your fear of globalists has blinded you to the reality of climate change, and I think you have been manipulated by their propaganda.

[–]Yin 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

You are incorrect.

I examine what globalists do and report on it and I expose people such as yourself.

[–]AcceleratedWallops 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (5 children)

Let's try a different tack.

People for whom climate change denialism is a very good and convenient thing: * Big oil * Big agriculture * Global freight/shippers * Most major manufacturers * Global finance/Fintech * The military industrial complex

Your theory supposes the existence of "globalist elites" who... DON'T intersect with any of the above groups? Who the fuck are they then?

The people in power want you to deny climate change. It's so much easier for them! They get to keep fucking us!

[–][deleted]  (4 children)


    [–]AcceleratedWallops 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

    real environmentalism that would involve actually going against globalist industries (pharma, chem, ag) that cause real pollution

    Tell me about this. Because that's what I'm talking about, but it sounds like you're saying I only think I'm talking about this.

    playing a global and powerful game stroking emotions and exploiting people's desire for virtue

    This is what I posit you have fallen victim to. But tell me what "real environmentalism" is and I'll withhold that judgment for now.

    [–]Yin 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    You are a poser as in a fraudulent "environmentalist". That's what I'm talking about.

    [–]AcceleratedWallops 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    Ok, then what is real environmentalism? If you can't answer this, I'll have to assume you've just been trolling.