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[–]dcjogger 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

How do Americans deal with hypocrisy today?

You might live in a warm place and own a new car listening to good music with an excellent stereo after you ate a delicious dinner and feel pretty good about living in a free country, but how does being tracked and wiretapped 24/7 feel?

Americans may feel like they are good people even when they commit three felonies a day just by existing.

How do Americans justify paying taxes when their taxes fund rising debt, Obamacare, food stamps, regulations, US wars, illegal immigrants, nanny state laws, security cameras, license plate readers, checkpoints, redlight cameras, speed cameras, FBI facial and voice recognition, curfews, gun bans, NSA wiretapping, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, CISPA, SOPA, IMBRA, private prison quotas, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, stop and frisk, 3 strikes laws, kill switches, National Security Letters, DNA databases, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, gun and ammo stockpiles, laws outlawing protesting, police militarization, chain gangs, boot camps, and Jade Helm?

Americans might feel like they live in a moral country, but how can a nation that tortures and launches endless wars take the moral high ground on anything?

How could Americans not feel responsible for US wars, debt, and tyranny?

How would the founding fathers think about the collapse of the USA?

The American default reaction to hard facts seems to be to not think and to silence those who speak the truth, but facts don't cease to exist because they are ignored.

Future generations will ask why Americans didn't resist when the US became a police state.

One thing worse than learning that you live in a police state is finding out that no one cares.

The only realistic option left for a moral American seems to be to renounce your citizenship.

[–]Tiwaking 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)


China incarcerates its own people and harvests their organs

[–]hertahe5rh3 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Some items in your list were resisted, including SOPA (never passed), stop and frisk (now banned in NYC), FBI facial and voice recognition (now illegal in California). Many others on your list are being contested by Americans at the ACLU, EFF, liberal activist organizations.

But similar to what Trotsky said about the Soviet Union, power is infinitely corrupting, only an infinite resistance can counter it. To Trotsky, that meant infinite war.

How would the founding fathers think

Founding fathers created a system where less than 6% of the population was allowed to vote. I think they would be more surprised at our interpretation of their Commerce Clause than anything else. They wouldn't care at all about most of your list; particularly if they were anti-Federalist, they would likely support individual states passing the same style of surveillance state you deride.