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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And remember, it is NOT hard to find or see these things, just as it isn't hard to see the so-called screw ups our government does in false flags and PSYOPs. THEY ARE NOT SCREW UPS. It is the method of Revelation. Meaning they WANT YOU TO EXPOSE THEM, they make stuff obvious, so that in the end we, the awake ones make our lives a living hell as well as everyone around us, the majority being those who do NOT see the reality of this deception.

The ignorant, deprived and immoral are furthering the goal of a brave new world and the truth seekers who want endlessly to expose them are used jsut teh same, to futher it. Only love and the ridding of self to help others will stop what is coming or what is already here. God Bless.