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[–]JasonCarswellPlatinum Foil Fedora 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

1) There are INDUSTRIES of scams. Whether it's the military, secret agencies, Holocaust "survivors", Sandy Hook "survivors", etc. This isn't just about the individuals, it's the infrastructure that supports them - lawyers, police, hospitals, media, private investigators, politicians, "non-profits", charities, etc etc etc. They're all getting cuts from it.

2) Not all the guns are banned yet. They need us to be completely defenseless.

3) The first responders, police, politicians, think tanks, and most of all the media have to learn to adapt, spin, twist, and roll with the punches as they fabricate the bullshit. Practice makes perfect. Boston bombing upon analysis was completely staged. It seems like the January 6th shooting was completely staged, but intended to be video recorded so is a much tighter production. And yes, crisis actors are often reused.

4) If they already had control over the media and social media they wouldn't need to censor. They're always testing on crowds and taking pols.

5) Yes, shootings actually happen. But it didn't happen at Sandy Hook. The school was already abandoned due to flood damage. After the fake incident, they demolished it - destroying all evidence for future investigations. Look into the funding of the families with $1 homes. The whole story stinks like a mountain of trash. Dig in.

The main point is that it's easier to conspire a real shooting than a fake one, and it's not even necessary to fake it.

How many have you done, real or faked? Outrageous claims require outrageous proof. That's a wild leap, and it's a big production.

The murders in Chicago should get as much news coverage. Yet the media wants to focus on this one incident for months and years. Why?

Imagine if [...] JFK never actually got shot...

Why? To what end? Your analogy makes no sense. There's video from two angles - plus countless witnesses - and they contradict the perpetually lying media and government. A better example is how Hitler lived on in Argentina, along with that mountain of evidence - another fascinating deep dive.

Similarly with Sandy Hook, if there is a conspiracy I don't think...

Because you haven't bothered to investigate skeptically. You're just regurgitating what the corporate media tells you to think.