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[–]Canbot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Here we go with the "if you don't buy what I'm selling it's because you don't understand" shit.

Infinite is literally the opposite of finite. If you need a word for a number that perpetually grows then invent a name for it. You don't get to claim that infinity means something other than the opposite of finite just because you painted yourself into a corner.

Secondly, if I count by 10s my number grows faster than if I count by fractions. But fractions have more components. The latter grows slower because it has more cardinality. Yet another contradiction in your convoluted religion that pretends to be math but never corrects any of the mistakes that have accumulated from centuries of arrogant blowhards playing a game of "yes and". Perpetually trying to invent the next thing without disturbing the house of cards that is the tower of everyone else's "next thing" upon which you all perch.

Modern math is the epitome of pseudo intellectualism.