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[–]Jesus[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Towers were destroyed “via conventional demolition, [top-down and classic] and that during the design stages of the process, the conspirators relied too heavily on the use of detonation cord in the floor systems, which led to the vaporization of most of the truss systems. This was accidentally revealed (the “iron microspheres”) when the RJ Lee Group did their Composition and Morphology study of the Ground Zero dust samples for Deutsche Bank.”

PETN/RDX is a good candidate because these are the most commonly used hi-explosives in the industry. They have a long, studied history and are generally reliable. It’s sensible to start with the most plausible hypothesis (conventional hi-explosives) first, and failing that, move onto testing more exotic hypotheses.

Det cord has a detonation velocity higher than that of TNT (about 1.6 times the power of TNT by mass). The detonation velocity of det cord (PETN) is 8,400 meters per second which makes it a rather powerful high-explosive. One of the most powerful. It is also very stable with medium range friction sensitivity and traits make it useful in the demolitions industry. With a relative effectiveness factor of 1.66, it is very useful to the industry, in fact.





(The formula for kelvin to Fahrenheit is ((Kelvin – 273) * 1.8 ) + 32; note: 1.8 = 9/5.)

Primaline 85 detonator cord would be used to pulverize the concrete, and also to remove the building’s lateral support supplied by the double-bridged long trusses. RDX cutter and kicker charges would be used to cut columns down to a specific length (every three floors is a common estimate from what I’ve read), and then ‘kick’ those columns out of the way from the proceeding downward collapse.

Background Reading if interested (Chronological Order):

Creighton introduces the idea of Primaline 85 detonator cord being used in the Tower demolition sequence. The specific role of the cord would be to break up the concrete, metal floor pans and trusses which hold the floor pans up. He also suggests that the iron microspheres found in the WTC dust have a possible source other than Jones’ “nanothermite” [which could have been used for severing certain columns], and debunks the stupid nuke theory.

Notice the telltale signs of high explosives in each sequence:

This article explains Mr. Creighton’s idea on how the demolition sequence proceeded:

This article reveals that there were cabling ducts located underneath the metal floor pans which could be used for simple cable installation. Creighton proposes this as a possible vector for the detonator cord installation (under the guise of a fibre optic cable upgrade). CAT-5 fibre-optic cable is visually similar to Primaline 85 cord. Kevin Ryan documents a security upgrade for the Twin Towers in 1999-2000.

These articles connects the discovery of “iron microspheres” to the destruction of the floor systems:

The same discovery but extended to the metal floor pans of the Trade Center, which were held up by the long trusses.

This article details the extent of the heat events in the Trade Center collapse:

The article below is a great master narrative around his conventional hi-explosives hypothesis. Towards the end, it describes the similarity between the inferred composition of the iron microspheres and WTC steel trusses. It quotes from the seminal 2003 RJ Lee Report (p. 7 and p. 19) on the background of the WTC dust markers, and the NIST report on the WTC steel trusses. NIST NCSTAR 1-3D, Table 3-11, p. 58 (p. 92 in PDF). The similarity in chemical makeup between the WTC dust markers and the Trade Center trusses is unmistakable. This is a key discovery which strengthens Mr. Creighton’s hypothesis about the destruction of the floor systems. In short, the iron microspheres found in the dust are the steel trusses (and floor pans, and filing cabinets, and computers…) This is explained in sub-section “Key Innovations of this Hypothesis”. Remember that ‘steel’ is iron alloyed with a small percentage of carbon.

This article offers an explanation for the publicly acknowledged presence of demolition crews at the Trade Center site:

The pyroclasitic flow is extremely important. Look at all the cars that were set on fire. How is that possible with a gravitational collapse? it isn’t. What set them on fire was the red hot molten metal micro-spheres in the cloud, the massive wave of heat pushing down the street. Officers who died that day, their guns had all the rubber melted off of them and their badges were charred and whitened from the heat. Pyroclasitic flow hallmark of a demolition.

Proposed Tests to Detect Conventional Explosives

This article proposes a test for detecting the residue of post-explosion by-products in the Trade Center dust:

This article details possible specific procedures for testing for hi-explosives in chain of custody Trade Center samples:

There’s informative discussion in the comment threads of these articles as well:

– Mr. Creighton refutes a troll comment on difficulty of wiring upgrade:

– Mr. Creighton refutes a troll comment on tracers as primary PETN identifier:

– Mr. Creighton refutes a troll comment on tracers as primary PETN identifier, Part II:

– Mr Creighton refutes a troll comment on the PETN residue detection process:

– Mr. Creighton’s lengthy argument with reader regards Twin Towers’ factor of safety, mechanics of a progressive collapse, mechanics of controlled demolition, etc. (and continued in replies further down):

– The pyroclastic flow of Tower collapse, owing to the great volume of molten metal microspheres in the dust clouds:

PETN detonation is still a strong candidate (better than thermite) for many of the apparent combustion byproducts that were discovered…

Key innovations of this hypothesis:

The iron microspheres are byproducts of (likely Primaline 85) detonation cord explosion. The source of these spheres are primarily the 6000 metal floor pans and 40,000 double-bridged long trusses, the majority of which apparently were not found in the rubble. This also reveals a key feature of how the Tower destruction was engineered (re removal of floor systems).

This also explains the great abundance of spheres; the floor systems were a major structural element of the Towers, so their destruction, via detonator cord, would lead to hundreds of tons of spheres.

The microscopic “red-gray chips” in the dust, which were found alongside (often attached to) these spherical particles, can be explained as the primer paint which coated the trusses. The intense heat from the detonation cord (meant to pulverize the concrete) would’ve also flash melted the trusses, and the resultant molten metal cooled off whilst suspended in space…which formed via surface tension into these particles. That’s partly RJ Lee’s account for how these spheres formed:

Various metals (most notably iron and lead) were melted during the WTC Event, producing spherical metallic particles. Exposure of phases to high heat results in the formation of spherical particles due to surface tension.

— RJ Lee Group, “WTC Dust Signature Report: Composition and Morphology,” December 2003, p. 17 (p. 21 in PDF).

Different sorts of paint ignite at different temperatures, and we know that Jones & Harrit only focused on the primer paint from the columns. Therefore, paint from the trusses as a source for these red-gray chips cannot be ruled out. Mr. Creighton’s hypothesis provides a good accounting – as with the microspheres – for their presence in the WTC dust.

The pyroclastic collapse dust cloud can be explained as the molten microspheres generated from the detonator cord, travelling within the pulverized concrete cloud at rapid speed. Recall the firefighter testimony on the Tower collapses as documented (see Citation #1 in his article). The “Neither Gravity nor Thermite” article and the firefighter testimony refute the common claim that the collapse was “cold”, whereas its initiation was “hot”.

The smoke and dust clouds are linked again to the pulverized concrete floor systems. Not unique to Mr. Creighton’s hypothesis, but still accounts for it well in terms of the demolition design.