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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 2


Are the Jesuits Jewish?

(Jesuit document) La Civilta Cattolica 1890:

"It can be said with complete confidence that everything in masonry is ordained by a Jewish Sanhedrin & no power can obtain except that which comes through this nefarious sect!" (Part II: VIII)

No, not originally. They were an arm of the Catholic church but were infiltrated in the late 14th century. The anti-converso lobby enacted anti-converso laws, ie., no muslims or Jews could convert for a ten year period due to Marrano infiltration of the order who sought to destroy its incorporation and make it, as anti-converso lobbyists contended, a synagogue of Satan, this was not unlike what many subversive Zionist Jews do today in the west. Unfortunately, they successfully subverted it in the mid 20th and 21st centuries.

Bergoglio the crypto-Jew de-mystifies and contextualizes everything that Catholics have lived through for the past eight years. The animosity, the wanton destruction, the pitilessness of it all, points directly to the synagogue. If he is a Jew, then his rejection of Christ would explain everything:

It explains suppression of thriving religious orders.

It explains crass, deprecating comments.

It explains his slovenly demeanor.

It explains refusing to kneel for Our Eucharistic Lord.

It explains one heresy after another.Bergy Menorah

It explains why the Vatican has become a police state.

It explains promotion of sodomy.

It explains his stirring up division between groups.

It explains his accusing those he hates of evil motives.

It explains Laudato Si and Amoris Laetitia.

It explains Synod on the Family.

It explains his targeting Catholics of tradition for maltreatment.

It explains why McCarrick hasn’t been put up against a wall and shot.

It explains child trafficking.

It explains his support for incursions of Saracen hordes.

It explains his stabbing the Chinese underground in the back, for shekels.

Bergy Homage to JudaicsIt explains his insatiable greed.

It explains his yelling at mentally retarded onlookers.

It explains his striking a Chinese woman on her arm repeatedly.

It explains his apparent inner abyss of vindictiveness.

It explains his dabbling in occult religions like Reiki.

It explains his implacable rages.

It explains his blasphemies.

It explains his scandals.

It explains his crimes.

It explains pachamama.ecumenism small

It explains his apparent lack of conscience.

It explains his lewd and carnal epithets when speaking and writing.

It explains his apparent purblindness to the glories of Divine Revelation.

It explains his placing known criminals in diocesan sees.

It explains his promoting exterminationist vaccine programs.

It explains his communist sympathies.

It explains his deference to Zionist Israelis and Sephardic Rabbis.

It explains his best friend, Rabbi Skorka.

It explains his rabbinical double-talk and refusal to speak forthrightly.

It explains his stubbornness.

It explains his selfishness.

It explains his pride.

It explains his apostasy.

It explains the implacability in his hatred for Christ and Christ’s Church.