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[–]JasonCarswellPlatinum Foil Fedora 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

I also wonder about the "purity" of Christian sects. Jay Dyer finds the Greek Orthodox to be the most true to form, whatever that means. It's all myth and ritual for control by authority.

[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks, I enjoyed this Martin Luther video. I'll have to look more into the repercussions of his "faith only" idea.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 1

/u/d3rr Dyer is a grifting Russkie degenerate. Orthodoxy was pro-Sovietism and Dyer has been pro-Dugin, a dialetical-Materialist using Chaos magic to sow fear, demoralization and ideological subversion.

Jewish-KGB controlled Russian 'Orthodox' Church says you must be vaccinated.

Hence ;

Russia Political scientist Andrei Piontkovsky:

"Nationalism is the religion of Russians, who are mostly atheists. This religion of nationalism is sponsored by the Orthodox Russian Church, whose priests are mostly crypto-Jews."


“We are for Stalin & the Soviet Union. That Orthodoxy is the bulwark of our spiritual identity is clear to any bearer of the Soviet or Orthodox identity ”

last para:

Putin 2019 – Islam and Orthodox Christianity Have the Same Values:

“Putin cites with approval the conclusion of certain theoreticians, that Orthodoxy is much closer to Islam than Catholicism; something that he suggests should be the basis for restoring national concord.”

I'm going to ask you a personal question feel free to skip it. Why are you a Catholic and not a Christian/protestant/some kind of non-denominational Jesus follower? I just know the basic arguments against Catholicism like adding the "holy" Pope, changing the holy day to Sunday, preaching in Latin only for 1500 years, confessions, etc. Like it seems far away from Jesus' direct teachings. Apologies if I misunderstood your position, etc.

It's the only order that if instituted could withstand Noahidism, Zionism and Engles and Marx's dialetical-materialism. It was the first to incorproate itself under the Mystical Body of Christ and work via the santification of grace. A quick read of Pope Leo XIII encyclicals will prove that they were in complete accordance with Christ and what He preached.

I have given you a breif overview why I'm not an Orthodox and here is the reasons why I'm agaisnt Luther and his and those who created denominations after him:

Martin Luther was encouraged and financed by Jews/Crypto-Jews for his plot against the Church. He was clearly manipulated. Later in his life, he, of course, did turn against the Jews by writing his famous "On The Jews and their lies" book, but it was too late, his work was already done and Jews successfully created a fake Christianity.

"Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends, and again, by Jewish authority and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success..."

“At the beginning of his career, Martin Luther was sympathetic to Jewish resistance to the Catholic Church”

“Luther wrote in 1523 that he had heard with satisfaction from the lips of Jews themselves, who had been converted to the Catholic faith, that it was the Gospel as proclaimed by the Reformation which had made them Christians in the real meaning of the word” pg. 69

“As noted, Jewish reaction to the Reformation was related from the beginning to the actions and expressions of the movement, but from the very first moment the Jews appreciated the element of revolutionary breakthrough”

“Another Jewish chronicler, Joseph *ha-Kohen – born in Avignon but living and writing in Italy – wholeheartedly supported the Reformation camp”

“About 1524, Jews coming from Europe described with joy to the kabbalist Abraham b. Eliezer *ha-Levi in Jerusalem the iconoclastic and anti-clerical tendencies of the reformers. On the basis of this much-exaggerated report, the kabbalists regarded Luther as a kind of *Crypto-Jew who was trying gradually to educate Christians away from the bad elements of their faith”

"Luther first came into contact with Jews in April 1521 in Worms, where a large Jewish community existed at that time. Not Luther, but the Jews were looking for a meeting with him...The roundtable participants admitted that the Jews liked Luther."

"These words gave reason to see Luther as a friend of the Jews. In any case, German Jews joyfully greeted the reformer from Wittenberg, they even sent Luther's work to their fellow believers in Spain (in 1524 his translation into Latin was published), for he gave hope."

Martin Luther liked OCCULT SCIENCES; Straight from his table talk.:

Image 2:

A Terrible Vision: Luther in Hell:

Here is a bit more on the origins of Calvinism morphing into Puritanism, and early zionism and dispensationalism etc:

Monseigneur Jouin, December 8, 1930:

"It is this accursed Sect [Freemasonry] whose perversion was stigmatized by Pope Pius IX when he named it: "The Synagogue of Satan." Due to its enormous extension and its nowadays very visible collusion with International Jewish Finance, Freemasonry has indeed become the "Synagogue of Satan." As such it provided funds for the Russian revolution, installed in Moscow; it carried Communism from East to West, took up the leadership of States of their governments, their various administration departments or ministries, and of their parliaments and, in consequence, it is such a world power that for any discerning mind, it seems as though, today, there are on earth only two great powers, viz.: Judeo-Masonry in the service of World Jewry and the Church in the hands of Peter's successor. Those two powers are at war, face to face as though fighting an endless duel, as is clearly expressed in the stone inscription of the Masonic Grand Orient and Supreme Council of France: "The fight taking place between Catholicism and Freemasonry is a fight to the very death, ceaseless and merciless." (Bulletin of the Grand Orient of France P. 183. 1892 and in memorandum of the Supreme Council No. 85, page 48.)"


John's last name wasn't always Calvin, much like a crypto-Jew, he had variations of his original. Encyclopedia Britannica 1876 edition: Calvin = Cauvin = Caauin = Cohen = jew priest

Calvin was a Judaizer who wanted to institute usury and the accuing of interest which teh Catholic Church was against.

“John Calvin's outlook was ecumenical from the outset…”

Quote from “When Scotland was Jewish” by Elizabeth Hirschman, a professor, and Donald Yates, an American genealogist, cultural historian, and DNA investigator:

"We will argue in Chapter 10 that some of the principal architects of the Protestant Reformation, in particular John Calvin of France and John Knox of Scotland, were descendants of Sephardic Jews"

The Catholic Gazette (London) February 1936 (pages 46-47):

"We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the Creators of the REFORMATION! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation."

Dr. LEVY, A JEW: Protestant Christianity was invented, preached, and propagated by Jews:;++the+French+Revolution+was+the+consequence+of+the+German+Reformation;++the+German+Reformation+was+based+upon+a+crude+Christianity;+this+kind+of+Christianity+was+invented,+preached+and+propagated+by+the+Jews:the+Jews+have+made+this+war!&dq=Napoleon+was+the+antagonist+of+the+French+Revolution;++the+French+Revolution+was+the+consequence+of+the+German+Reformation;++the+German+Reformation+was+based+upon+a+crude+Christianity;+this+kind+of+Christianity+was+invented,+preached+and+propagated+by+the+Jews:the+Jews+have+made+this+war!&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjotLCSpfXtAhXZElkFHY7PCI4Q6AEwBXoECAUQAg

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 2


Are the Jesuits Jewish?

(Jesuit document) La Civilta Cattolica 1890:

"It can be said with complete confidence that everything in masonry is ordained by a Jewish Sanhedrin & no power can obtain except that which comes through this nefarious sect!" (Part II: VIII)

No, not originally. They were an arm of the Catholic church but were infiltrated in the late 14th century. The anti-converso lobby enacted anti-converso laws, ie., no muslims or Jews could convert for a ten year period due to Marrano infiltration of the order who sought to destroy its incorporation and make it, as anti-converso lobbyists contended, a synagogue of Satan, this was not unlike what many subversive Zionist Jews do today in the west. Unfortunately, they successfully subverted it in the mid 20th and 21st centuries.

Bergoglio the crypto-Jew de-mystifies and contextualizes everything that Catholics have lived through for the past eight years. The animosity, the wanton destruction, the pitilessness of it all, points directly to the synagogue. If he is a Jew, then his rejection of Christ would explain everything:

It explains suppression of thriving religious orders.

It explains crass, deprecating comments.

It explains his slovenly demeanor.

It explains refusing to kneel for Our Eucharistic Lord.

It explains one heresy after another.Bergy Menorah

It explains why the Vatican has become a police state.

It explains promotion of sodomy.

It explains his stirring up division between groups.

It explains his accusing those he hates of evil motives.

It explains Laudato Si and Amoris Laetitia.

It explains Synod on the Family.

It explains his targeting Catholics of tradition for maltreatment.

It explains why McCarrick hasn’t been put up against a wall and shot.

It explains child trafficking.

It explains his support for incursions of Saracen hordes.

It explains his stabbing the Chinese underground in the back, for shekels.

Bergy Homage to JudaicsIt explains his insatiable greed.

It explains his yelling at mentally retarded onlookers.

It explains his striking a Chinese woman on her arm repeatedly.

It explains his apparent inner abyss of vindictiveness.

It explains his dabbling in occult religions like Reiki.

It explains his implacable rages.

It explains his blasphemies.

It explains his scandals.

It explains his crimes.

It explains pachamama.ecumenism small

It explains his apparent lack of conscience.

It explains his lewd and carnal epithets when speaking and writing.

It explains his apparent purblindness to the glories of Divine Revelation.

It explains his placing known criminals in diocesan sees.

It explains his promoting exterminationist vaccine programs.

It explains his communist sympathies.

It explains his deference to Zionist Israelis and Sephardic Rabbis.

It explains his best friend, Rabbi Skorka.

It explains his rabbinical double-talk and refusal to speak forthrightly.

It explains his stubbornness.

It explains his selfishness.

It explains his pride.

It explains his apostasy.

It explains the implacability in his hatred for Christ and Christ’s Church.