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[–]zyxzevn 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

As someone who was studying EM-damage on biology for 20+ years, this was a very weird study.
Some good research (+peer-reviewed articles) can be found on
(Note: You can send this website to scientists for reference)

Now about the article.
I saw a bit of the skin-cells study, but I did not find it trustworthy.
It even seems planted as a red herring.
It uses all kinds of popular keywords, but did not make any basic sense and did not at all fit in the medical literature.

The basic idea is that the 5G radiation affects skin-cells and somehow makes corona-viruses.
It would a bit more believable if the radiation would cause RNA structures to break off, similar to those in corona-viruses. And this would lead to misdiagnoses. But that is not what the article said. It said corona-viruses were produced.

Based on the research, we know that radiation can affect some components of cells, like the Voltage Gated Calcium Channels. This causes them to mismanage the calcium ions or to fail. It can also damage the immune system.
Other reports show that ions can be pushed through membranes in the cells, causing direct damage.
We can see this happening with all kinds of frequencies of radiation. So not just with the frequencies of 5G. For this to happen, it also needs a certain intensity. Researchers can find clear connections between exposure to radiation and damage on health.

Because we know that places like France did not had 5G, but it did have a severe Corona-virus outbreak, we can see that there is not a direct connection between 5G and Corona. Maybe on some other frequencies, but that would need good research. Claiming that radiation exposure would weaken the immune system, makes a good case.

To follow the paper's idea, we also have the possibility that cells throw of some bits of themselves. These can form small particles and carry all kinds of substances. But this is not a virus at all. They are just little blobs that carry stuff around. It is often connected with the suicide of a cell, which to spread its material to other cells for re-usage.
In the case of certain diseases this process is started in cells, and they seem to fall apart.

But I have never seen this process occurring with EM-radiation. And this should be the first step that we would see in the article. Science works in steps, and does not immediately jump to a far end conclusion. (Unless you work in astronomy).

And again, all this is not what the article stated. It was about skin-cells producing corona-viruses directly.

So I think this article was bogus and placed by some trolls or agents as a red herring.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Firstly, I completely agree that the language is very misleading, and it jumped out at me from the get-go. However, some of these articles aren't written by actual scientists and such errors are common when writing a vulgarization of a topic one does not fully understand. [EDIT: wait, that's actually on PubMed. It should be written by actual scientists then... Hm...]

The basic idea is that the 5G radiation affects skin-cells and somehow makes corona-viruses. Which makes perfect sense if as David Icke first said (I think he was the first?) that the so-called "coronavirus" is in fact simply an exosome. Let's remember that "the" coronavirus has NEVER BEEN ISOLATED, at least AFAIK.

I agree that France is a good example. However, in the case that "the coronavirus" is actually an exosome, maybe the French lifestyle produces more of said exosome to begin with than others, therefore "not needing" 5G to induce a "pandemic".

So yes, the language is questionable, but frankly at this point, I have no doubt that 5G could produce exosomes (have you seen the microwave-grape-plasma experiment?) and that this could be known and used for furthering the scamdemic agenda. At this point, the corruption is so widespread, so complete, that it's more the contrary that would be surprising.

[–]zyxzevn 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I think there are different forms of exosomes. And some of them may be a natural communication system.
Some of these may have evolved to viruses.

The formation of such exosomes is a very complex process, that requires many cell-components to activate.
So assuming there is a connection between EM-radiation and viruses in the form of exosomes, these components need to become active via radiation.

What I usually see in the damage from radiation is more a process of de-activation or destruction of certain cell components. At least that is how I understand it. So I don't think that this would directly activate such cell components.

What might be activated is a decaying process that is similar to cell death. The grape-plasma experiment shows pure destruction that may trigger cell death processes. But what functioning exosomes would cell-death produce? Personally, I don't think they would look anything like the corona-viruses. But more like skin-cancer or something.

Whether it is true or not, I don't think that this research-paper is any good. It does not seems to be made by scientists, and in its timing it could be some trolls that want to write something about what David Icke told.

I don't think that the exosome idea is completely bunk, but let me describe how a good scientific paper looks like.
Research would first show a relationship between cell-changes and different types of non-ionizing EM-radiation.
That would be a complete deal-breaker already with lots of follow-up publications.
While the CIA has published some on it and others, it did not give much reactions, though. Next the research may show that these cells form exosomes.
And the following step would be the similarity between some of these exomes and viruses, maybe even identifying which virus.
Preferably each biochemical process that is activated needs to be detailed in how it reacts to the EM-radiation. Also we may look at the different types of EM-radiation and its relationship with the biochemical process.

See also on covid19

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'll admit I didn't read this "paper" at all. 10k hours on PubMed, I'm beyond fed up with this stuff, so I'll go with your analysis, with the caveat that the so-called "covid-19 virus" has never been isolated and the "test" tests for something that isn't clearly identified, i.e. it could certainly be an exosome. Even one of "healthy cells under attack" type of signaling.