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[–]magnora7 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Clearly the next act in the theater play.

Act 1: Epstein goes to the US where he knows he'll be arrested

Act 2: Epstein escapes/dies

Act 3: The "aftermath" of people coming out and finally saying their story

The goal seems to be to convince everyone our justice system is super broken (which it is), probably to deliberately cause unrest and distrust on a controlled schedule.

[–]Vigte[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The goal seems to be to convince everyone our justice system is super broken (which it is), probably to deliberately cause unrest and distrust on a controlled schedule.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

The fake-left creates (nearly true) conspiracies about the fake-Right (Trump is in bed with Russia, but in NO way the democrats are actually accusing him of) which if you bring up people call you a "leftist shill" (even though what you're saying is different from the leftist fake talking points) - and the fake-right creates (nearly true) conspiracies about the fake-left... which if you bring up to a leftist, they call you a "rightist nazi shill". It's actually genius...

They will show BOTH sides how fucked the world is - but instead of coming together to fix it, they will tear each other to shreds to be the one to pick the winning "new order". They'll have us pick sides, tear down the old order (because it's garbage and they've done that on purpose) and build whatever the victorious side chooses (leftist communist transhuman atheo-SJW zionist-noahide dystopia - or a rightist theocracy based on Zionism/Noahide)

Both sides are in bed together - and also fighting one another to be the "masters" favourite. Which leg will win? Doesn't matter, because in the end - the ideology both sides share, will win.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

But didn't you know that the well placed scum at the top are incompetent and couldn't even screw in a lightbulb? That's what I was taught by the 2D screen! "Look at Trump", the neoliberal fake left says, "he's a con", "unqualified", "a loser." The fake conservative right says the same about the left. What does it induce? An illusionary belief that the state is incompetent at all times only when it means your party is not in control. It creates division and is one big distraction.

Trump's agenda and his 'fake news' rhetoric is true in that the news is propganda. But Trump never uses the words propganda or PSYOP, instead he has coined the term 'Fake News' as has the fake left for their own agendas. Trump will occasionally use the words hoax as will the media when it suits their agendas such as during psyop hoax shooting drills. They will consequently create a fictional hoax story, such as a hoax bomb threat was called in at the same times as the psyop shooting to memoryhole any truthful information on the psyop through search algorithms.

Trump is the FAUX ANTAGONIST to mockingbird media. He is tasked with this agenda. Its goal is for us to believe, NOT TRUST, but believe that the media is, A, if not, THEE priority. It doesn't matter if you choose right or left, democrat or republican, or if you distract yourself with the biases of media reports, you are still under its spell. It's not about biases or what one side says about the other. It's ALL controlled, and likely all one big distraction. Trump fires up his ignorant fanbase who precieve Zionist owned Fox and friends as truth in media, and simultaneously, Trump is detested by the so-called left, who at one time were skeptical about all media but have now been lured into believing the corporate controlled news reports that attack Trump. It's all one big limited hangout!

They have unlimited reaources and ARE NOT INCOMPETENT!! They are masters of disinformation, deception and psychology. And the way people think and precieve something IS THEIR TARGET and where billions of money is siphoned to research.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Magnora gets it.