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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Therefore one should search for kaben fron the plain text version, the automatic search machine in the other version requires full words and cannot find all occurances.

Freemasonry is mentioned once in the following line:

The gods of Framassoncy will have to do that which those two did.”

Framassoncy is Freemasonry and the spelling reminds of French, as it natural since revolutionary Freemasonry was under the French Grand Orient. The paragraph that preceeds gives the mission of Freemasonry:

Even though there are many kingdoms in the world, that one which will now be revealed has not yet been in the world. But it cannot be without darkness and great deprivation. That, that is precisely what God showed Abraham, our father, at the time of the covenant which he made with him, letting him know that his children would have to bear great bitterness and oppression.”

That is, there will be restoration and a new Israel, but only after oppression and great bitterness. Freemasonry will have to make this oppression and great bitterness in order to realize the restoration of the Jews.

[And this is why we must question the role Hitler and his many crypto-Jewish, and freemasonic, theosophical generals played in this restoration. No, Hitler was not a Bolshevik like the featured shill, Christopher Jon Bjerknes on Adam Green(bergs) show likes to claim. But we could reasonably conclude that he was a Zionist, or an antisemitic Zionist or at the very least worked with the Zionists to restore Jews to Israel. It surely is odd that Hitler was trained in oratory speeches by an occultist Jew and who wrote in his book (the official, authorized edition) published by the National Socialists 'Mein Kampf' that Zionism was a great Jewish ideology, i.e., the restoration of Jews to Palestine. A scapegoat from the very start, or the needed infiltrator who would unknowingly be doing the bidding of the internationalists. The later seems more likely, considering Hitler's party was not funded by wall street or big corporate conglomerates until 1933. When the National Socialists decided to privatize their banks, after a period of nationalization and ridding of Rothschild controlled banks as well as banning usurious foreign speculation, the internationalists and industrialists placed their bets, often funding both sides of the war.]

This is the messianic idea of the end of the world war and persecutions. It is the central idea in Kabbalah (Zohar). In the end Esau is destroyed and Jacob restored. Esaus is Christians. The same idea is explained in many ways: ten kings of Edom are destroyed, Amalek is destroyed. For Kabbalists all of these words meant Christians: those who presently oppress them. Nobody but Christians oppressed Jews in Europe in the late Middle Ages when Zohar was written. And this is also true for the U.S. of which is controlled by another Edom and which will eventually have to be destroyed either through fire or culture, social and economic collapse.

And so, Frankists are a particularly easy target as Judaism does not support them. Indeed, Frankists were expelled from Judaism. Some so called conspiracy theoreticians make the connection between Frankists and Freemasons. Helen Nesta Webster noticed the connection as the first one. Today she is called by the always as reliable Wikipedia a far-right conspiracy theoretician, despite the fact that she was very cautious in her conclusions. I find her conclusions quite well supported, considering the time they were written. Another author who has made the connection of Freemason with Frankists is Rabbi Marvin Antelman. He appears to be a disinformation agent directing attention to Frankists.

Frankists disappeared long ago an their legacy is the pro-Israel attitude in Masonry. It is not realistic to think there are any Frankists left, and the only Sabbateans are the followers of Turkish Dönmeh, not a major threat to a modern society. Of course it is not so, there are no Frankists, their contribution was to give Mizraim and Mephis Freemasonry a clearer kabbalistic and messianic program.

Later Jewish bankers, like Jacob Schiff, involved B'nai B'rith into the messianic task of restoration of the Jews. Though this mission was Masonic, a non-Masonic Zionist organization was created to be a front to the Jewish people. Today it is B'nai B'rith's ADL that proposes the Holocaust as an icon and calls all critizism antisemitic. The historical benign Freemasons of yesterday do not have power anymore. But the financiers of all, and B'nai B'rith and ADL, they still have immense power. So, if you see the rites, gematria, or symbols displayed in front of you on a screen or in advertising or after some horrific event that benefits a policy agenda, know that this is not the historical freemasonry but of a freemasonry hijacked by another entity. A very powerful entity that would like for you to see these signs and symbols.

What one should understand from all this is that the program is messianic.

Jesus was a revolutionary Jewish prophet, a Messiah.

There was to be a Jewish king Messiah, Herod Agrippa I, but he was poisoned and there was no comet, which was to appear. When the war did start in 66 Jews lost it, as they believed in prophecies and help from God instead of training. This defeat transformed Jewish messianism to Christianity as we know it today. It is not Christianity of St. Paul, or of Jesus. St. Paul thought that Gentiles are without sin because they are not under the law, thus they should not be circumscribed because then they will be under the law and sinners. As Gentile Christians were without sin, they could not be redeemed from their sins. They had the role of redeeming and otherwise helping Jews. This is why St. Paul collected gifts to the Poor of Jerusalem, i.e., to Essenes, Jewish Christians.

As a payment of it, Gentile Christian martyrs would go to Heaven because an offering to God raises to Heaven, but the offering must be prefect:

Therefore Christians should try to be perfect. It was not because of their sins, but because of being offered as sacrifices. Jesus failed, [in the eyes of the Jews] but Shabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank did not fail: the remnant of Jews was restored to Palestine.

But it was not done by Yahweh or the Christian God, it was done by the gods of Framassoncy, and all prophecies are not yet filled.

But notice that nothing good comes from a Jewish messiah, the it is only war, genocide and enslavement. As for the so-called millennial rule, that is a time of great peace.