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[–]StillLessons[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

This is really remarkable.

I'll take them seriously for a second. If they're trolling, so be it.

If they are serious, then this probably fits into the Pathway of Grief somewhere (that classic "denial", then "anger", then blah, blah, blah). They still cannot understand that they were that blind.

Maybe, just maybe, for the original shots I could see people saying this. But once the unjabbed became a category simply by virtue of being unjabbed, these morons have NOBODY to blame but themselves for any and all continuation after the initial series. All boosters are entirely on them. We the unjabbed were out here. I personally told those in my circle quite specifically (I brought receipts) why I made the choice I did. They either ignored me or came at me with this manufactured moralism and "disinformation" crap. I did what I could, and having said my piece, I left them alone. They know I haven't changed my mind, and they never followed up. They did this whole "only jabbed allowed in our space" schtick when they could get away with it.

They also conveniently ignore the fact that those who are absolutely qualified to comment - and who told them precisely what was going on - were explicitly censored for telling them what they now claim we didn't tell them. Seriously. This is the perfect marriage of evil, ignorance and stupidity.

The very fact that we didn't get jabbed in the face of such a massive wave of social pressure is enough they could have - with the tiniest curiosity - asked themselves, "Why do they feel so strongly about this?" But no. "Disinformation". That's all they could come up with.

One wonders if they even yet have the simple intelligence to say, "Wait a second... maybe my sources of information were lying to me?!" I honestly don't know if they're yet capable even of this.

The German defense with the Nazis, "Just following orders". So many of those surrounding us fit in this category...

[–]panel30 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When the antivax stuff started going into the conservative channels I thought it was a disinfo ploy to try to make conservatives get sick with covid. And that it was stupid unnecessary politicization, "well the dems say take the vax well then we're gonna say don't take it". And the stuff I saw was so fearmongery. I avoided reading that stuff. ... and now I'm jabbed. Someone even told "oh yeah so and so doesn't want to take the vax but they're a cooky" ... and I believed them when they wrote off the info.

It was nice of you to bring the receipts to your circle. We can each take care of ourselves at least.