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[–]filbs111 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You can support the freedom for people to live how they choose (dressing how they want, taking drugs, getting surgeries etc), while also supporting the freedom of others to use words how they choose. (edit: maybe this is a strawman. you're not suggesting that people be prohibited from being rude, just that it's not very nice, which is fair I guess. Rude words on the internet is fun IMO)

Regarding "legal recognition", i don't know what this entails. In a "modern" society, I though the idea was supposed to be that the sexes have equality under the law, so why should "legal recognition" matter? I suspect that "legal recognition" in this context might include the right to force others to ascribe to your beliefs.