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[–]Mnemonic 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Anyway, I don't know why or how, but some posts are duplicated I don't expect a simple de-duplicator would be too difficult to code comparing the title and the body and the sub and if all three are a perfect match = delete one. Or better - merge them, if there are comments.

It's duplicated because it's posted in different subs 'de-duplicating' would mean censoring a (random?) sub of it's content that is probably relevant to it. Every duplicated link has a 'other discussions' tab (example:

Subs aren't only broad categories, some are personal blogs, scrapbooks or just a place for like minded people and therefor different discussions.

I don't know if it's best to keep going or if splitting like this is encouraged or if it's just more shit piles to keep track of...

Usually a thread is made to keep it all together, which makes it all easier.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Re: duplicates, good to know. I didn't realize. I suppose limiting it to one sub per post keeps folks from abusing the categories, intentionally or not, like could happen if they were classified by meta-tags. It finally makes a little sense why Steemit limits their tags to 5 which always bugged me.

Any chance the posts could be separate but their comments shared/merged/mirrored?

So long endless threads are common? At least on Reddit? (which I've rarely visited)

Easier is good. I'm still trying to work out my SaidIt "routine". Initially I was bouncing all over with a bunch of tabs open in my browser and a bunch of hibernated tabs that I'd check to see if anyone responded to my blinding brilliance. Now I've got my system with two main tabs, a few secondary hibernated tabs, and a handfull of others. My two main SaidIt tabs are "New" and "Comments" to catch all the recent gossip and from which I can pop open the articles and/or conversations. My secondary tabs are "Overview", "Messages", and my one sub, but now I see my overview lists my sub. I don't really even need the overview as my name is in the header. And I was awaiting feed back on message management to see if I could individually "mark as read".

How do you manage? Have any ergonomic/organizational tips? Do you use "save" or "hide"? It's not rocket science so maybe I'm pushing too hard for a nothing burger.

Thus far on SaidIt I've mostly seen short commentary threads on external articles, some internally based conversations, and a few longer discussions. Is that typical. I had expected more centralized long form ongoing conversations on a topic, but now I see it's different with subs being the topic.

One reason I'd never wanted to join Reddit was because when I did visit for one reason or another while doing research, I'd stumble into a forum-like discussion but because it was closed or archived I couldn't offer my two cents or answers to questions they had. If everything gets closed what's the point? Sure, I know that you can go to some forums that still have open conversations from over a decade ago, or even Wikipedia talk pages where you're supposed to discuss the content and controversies of the article (but not socialize!), - and you can add to these long-term discussions, just don't expect a timely response if ever.

On another note, and I want you (or anyone reading this) to be brutally honest. I know that I've been commenting a shit tonne and I feel like I'm dominating this site with what seems like a handful of regulars and another handful less regulars (who likely have jobs and lives, etc). As a noob I feel like a bull in a china shop. Or like a cat pissing all over my new territory. Obviously I feel compelled to do this but I also I care enough to ask if it's an imposition in any way. It's all new and weird to me. Though I often walk on eggshell on Wikipedia when in conflict with someone else about whatever. Maybe that's because I've been beaten into submission by being banned for a year, but then, I was self-conscious before that. I look forward to feedback, good bad or ugly.

Regardless of the feedback, I keep threatening to control my SaidIt addiction, and I will for all our sakes. Not because I won't be shooting off my mouth about this or that, but because of my mysterious projects I hope will elevate SaidIt, InfoGalactic, and most importantly minds everywhere. And I can't do that while reading articles that either reaffirm what I already know or learning new little (or big) details about the big picture corruption. I don't intend to abandon SaidIt, just focus and limit my time here. ...After I finish having fun with it for a while.

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

while doing research, I'd stumble into a forum-like discussion but because it was closed or archived I couldn't offer my two cents or answers to questions they had.

This bugs me too, we don't archive here or it archives in 99 years or something.

I think a lot of people use Save for like bookmarking their favorite posts and comments (and it will soon allow choosing a category to save in for further organization). There is a counterproductive reddit limit of 1000 saves though, we need to boost that to unlimited here. I think Hide is for a single post and hardly anyone uses that.

As far as messaging, it's supposed to be self managing. The message icon turns orange, you click it to read, and then the message is automatically marked as read. We're always open to improvements but I don't think it's even used here very much.

I recommend a single saidit tab or you will slowly drive yourself insane with tab bloat, and end up having to switch browsers because you have 8 windows open with 50 tabs each. reddit is an ADD fest I don't know how to use it but I support research projects and intentional group investigations and bettering the experience.

SaidIt has so few users that people haven't fled off into subreddits to hang out in, so that's a unique element as well.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I can't tell you how happy I am to soon be able to sort my saves. I have only save one thing so far: The Juice Media thing. If I had discovered it soon I'm sure I would have saved a fucktonne.

"Tab bloat". I like that term. I had that early on. I was "tab constipated".

"reddit is an ADD fest". You're talking to Mr. ADD, but I don't think they like our kind there... ~TRUTHERS~ !

"Fled", you "SaidIt". Another term I like. I'll soon flee into my own subsaidit projects. I already missed half of yesterday and feel so far behind, and if it builds up enough backlog I'll eventually abandon my guilty need to "be informed of EVERYTHING". This has happened to me in every medium and platform all my life. I am a black hole but I need to invert it and spray my sunshine all over your faces.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nice link. I've never seen that page working on saidit or tested it or anything. Whew.