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[–]Bigs 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (17 children)

His "bad advice" was do your research and think about it, especially if you're young, healthy and won't be affected by covid anyway. Which part of that didn't you like?

[–]ActuallyNot 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (16 children)

Apparently he said "But if you're like 21 years old, and you say to me, 'Should I get vaccinated?' I'll go no."

I think now that there are over 3 million deaths, it's pretty clear that the correct way forward is to try to kill off the virus, rather than try to guess whether the price is worth the risk for a particular demographic.

Plenty of young people have been badly affected by long covid symptoms. It can be pretty nasty to deal with even if you're in an age group that doesn't tend to be killed by it.

[–]Bigs 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

See, here's the thing... things..

Flu, good old-fashioned frumpy flu, that fucking sniffles and achey joints shit we used to have, before the covids? That also causes long-term harm, can damage the heart, scar the lungs, all KINDS of nasty shit. It's a nasty disease, kills thousands every year, or it did before they lumped em all in with the covids. Now they call it 'PICs', pneumonia, influenza and covids.

You know what kills lots (lots!) of people, is nasty, infectious and just all-round terribles? TB. Riddle me this; why have we never thrown the world economy under a bus for TB?

Tuberculosis. This from the WHO, and we all know they're a bunch of cunts but hey, while we're locking down the whole planet cos these cunts said so:

'A total of 1.4 million people died from TB in 2019 (including 208 000 people with HIV). Worldwide, TB is one of the top 10 causes of death and the leading cause from a single infectious agent (above HIV/AIDS).'

And unlike the covids, it hits youngsters:

'In 2019, 1.2 million children fell ill with TB globally. Child and adolescent TB is often overlooked by health providers and can be difficult to diagnose and treat. Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) remains a public health crisis and a health security threat. A global total of 206 030 people with multidrug- or rifampicin-resistant TB (MDR/RR-TB) were detected and notified in 2019, a 10% increase from 186 883 in 2018.'

Now given a choice of the covids or TB, I'll take your feeble wuflu any day.

So again, why have we not slammed the brakes on the world economy while we all hide at home, from the deadly TB? Mmm?

Here's the 3rd thing...

You say 3 million have died from the covids, but the majority of them died around the same age as the average age of death, in fact when I once tried to convince someone the covids was bad I figured I could show how life expectancy was decreased... I found the fucking opposite! Literally. The age most people were dying of covids was ABOVE their typical life expectancy. On that basis, the covids makes you live LONGER ffs.

4th thing...

Nah I can't be asked. figure out the 4th thing yourself, and get back to me?

[–]ActuallyNot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

TB is preventable with the TB vaccine. It is also (generally) treatable with antibiotics.

Nearly everyone in the first world was vaccinated against it as a child. Were you not?

On that basis, the covids makes you live LONGER ffs.

Nope. That's not how life expectancy works.

In the USA life expectancy at birth for a male is 75 years.

But the life expectancy at 75 isn't 0 years. And the life expectancy at 80 certainly isn't -5 years.

The actual numbers are at 75 it's 11 years. At 80 it's 8 years. At 90 you're still expected to go another 4 years.

If someone dies of CoVID, their life is shorter than if they didn't die of CoVID.

But that's only part of the reason to vaccinate. The idea is to kill it off in the wild so other people don't get it.

[–]Bigs 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

You must be American? Sarcasm and irony just whooosh, huh?

Preventable with the vaccine he sez, immediately after being shown how one and half MILLION people died of it in 2019, whereas Covid 19 killed how many in 2019? Mmm?

[–]ActuallyNot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Preventable with the vaccine he sez, immediately after being shown how one and half MILLION people died of it in 2019

None of the high risk countries are first world, where nearly everyone is vaccinated. Deaths from TB are mostly the subcontinent, Indonesia, China and Africa.

Is Joe Rogan for or against TB vaccinations?

[–]Bigs 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Oh, we just throw THEM peeples under a bus, gottit

[–]ActuallyNot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I've got some bad news about the world, mate.

A lot of people die by diseases and malnutrition, as well as by violence that could be prevented if the rest of the world wasn't throwing them under the bus.

[–]Bigs 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Your grammar is as bad as your reasoning. Do you have the covids?

[–]Questionable 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

None of the current talking points for the mRNA vaccines, or covid, make any sense unless you reject Germ Theory, and accept Terrain theory.

Biochemistry debunks Corona Virus, a look at Terrain theory:

[–]InvoluntaryHalibut 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

Ooh! How damning. He suggested people do a risk benefit analysis for themselves.

Let start by pointing out that the very people insisting that 21 year olds jeopardize their own health for no reason were also the people that created this virus. It was the reckless genetic experimentation by guys like Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Shi Zhengli and other American and Chinese scientist collaborators that produced SARS Cov 2 in the laboratory across the street from the so-called wet market and Fauci and the NIH funded these experiments. This was an NIH project that got ~$10 million tax dollars that we know about. Pretty clear the correct way forward was not creating this virus in the first place.

The number of Americans under 45 who died of covid is in the range of 2 or 3 thousand. These are highly likely to be young people with some serious underlying conditions like cancer, immune diseases, sever physical disabilties that affected their overall health.

The VAERS reporting system for adverse vaccine events, a system that doesn’t even have mandatory reporting policy, has recorded hundreds of young people dead from strokes and clotting events, anaphylaxis and other immune related reactions.

Let me tell you what is going on here. They healthiest young people with the healthiest immune systems are having the strongest reactions to the vaccine and that is the largest risk factor for adverse reaction. It makes no sense whatsoever for young people, particularly women (especially those on oral contraception), people with autoimmune family history, people with severe allergies, people with diabetes, to get this shot and certainly not to get it twice! If your health is good and you are young you are far safer catching covid. The vaccine’s immune reaction is designed to be more severe and your vascular tissue will be damaged far more than with the actual disease as it affects young people.

This disease almost exclusively kills older people and they can be protected by the vaccine if they choose.

There are any number of antivirals that will resolve covid quickly, especially in young people so there is no need for anyone to get long covid in their 20s. Ivermectin is very effective and has essentially a 100% cure rate if given early on in the infection. Provided the NIH or other medical establishment organizations don’t block your access to it.

[–]ActuallyNot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Ooh! How damning. He suggested people do a risk benefit analysis for themselves.

I didn't watch it but I understand that he said "I'd go no" not "do a risk-benefit analysis".

The number of Americans under 45 who died of covid is in the range of 2 or 3 thousand.

Unlikely, given that there's over 8 thousand under 40 and over 24 thousand under 50.

It makes no sense whatsoever for young people, particularly women (especially those on oral contraception), people with autoimmune family history, people with severe allergies, people with diabetes, to get this shot and certainly not to get it twice!

I can point to 8 thousand young people who would be alive if they had the shot and the booster. It would have made sense to them. Whatsoever.

Ivermectin is very effective and has essentially a 100% cure rate if given early on in the infection.

Here's a list all the completed trials on the (veterinary anti-worming drug) Ivermectin:

The results are inconclusive to date, and while some show some benefit, many show none.

So I'd be very interested in the source of this 100% figure of yours. JPEG

Where's that from? Why are you posting a screenshot and not a link to the source?

[–]InvoluntaryHalibut 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

"But if you're like 21 years old, and you say to me, 'Should I get vaccinated?' I'll go no."

This is pretty much a risk benefit analysis. Its not an in depth one but the facts support it. All the data we have now says a healthy 21 year old is at much greater risk. Even you implicitly sort of cop to this :

I think now that there are over 3 million deaths, it's pretty clear that the correct way forward is to try to kill off the virus, rather than try to guess whether the price is worth the risk for a particular demographic.

I.e. Dont do a risk benefit analysis, you 21 year olds.

Lets say I accept your number 8000 covid deaths in the under 40 category. That is over 15 or 16 months of covid. With a mandatory reporting system where all doctors/coronors are explicitly encouraged by the CDC to enter a covid death code for any death even remotely suspected to be covid related.

Compare that to a non-mandatory VAERS system and no guidance from the CDC on how to handle possible vaccine deaths, yet we already know there are several hundred in that age group alone in only FOUR MONTHS of vaccination. See where we’ll be in a year!

No fancy internet trackers provided by state and federal government to monitor adverse events or vaccine deaths. Its all buried. Because these politicians and bureacrats are bought off by big pharma through wall street and you know it. These bastards stand to make a trillion dollars.

If 8000 young people died of severe covid and not a car accident while having a possitive PCR test, let me assure you that 99% of them had serious underlying health issues mostly immune related. Which is why they should have received antivirals immediately.

But the young people that die of this vaccine will be paradoxically the healthiest people because it is the strong immune response to the vaccine that is causing severe platelet destruction and inflammation of vascular endothelium. They know this is happening.

Why do we not have data on the typical drop in platelet count of vaccine recipients? If these fuckers were transparent you can bet we would know. Could it be because a large share —possibly the majority— of young vaccine recipients are becoming clinically thrombocytopenic?

At least one high profile person is dying from the vax every week. They tried to pass off the Dan Kominsky death to diabetes but diabetics have a much greater risk of hypercoagulation and multiple vaccine recipients are suddenly suffering from diabetic ketoacidosis, even with no history of diabetes!

Nobody knows how bad the clotting issue is because the government refuses to study it properly and release the relevant data.

I looked at your NIH “selected studies” (Reminder: NIH funded the creation of SARS COV2 in the laboratory across the street from the wet market that is the supposed origin of the disease). Now here’s mine

That center line is an odds ratio of one showing no increased survival due to ivermectin. Every dot to the left indicates a peer reviewed study that showed improved odds ratio with ivermectin. There are 50 studies on that graph. Only one late stage covid study shows no improvement due to ivermectin. The data is crystal clear. You don’t get more evidence than this in the medical world. Feel free to look up each of these studies here:

Ivermectin has a safety profile similar to ibuprofen and has never killed a person in about 50 years and a billion doses.

It is proven that ivermectin inhibits sars cov 2 in vitro at 2uM and an MOI ( multiplicity of infection, a measure of virus quantity) of .1.

There are similar studies showing dozens of cheap safe FDA approved drugs inhibit SARS Cov 2 in vitro.

They will all inhibit the virus in a given concentration for a given MOI (amount of virus). If you don’t understand that the effectiveness of a standard “safe” dose of any one of these antivirals is dependent on the quantity of virus ( the viral load) in the body then you might have been swayed by some non randomized studies on late stage covid patients that had so much virus on average throughout their body that the inhibitory concentrations cannot be reached with the standard doses. Many times higher doses of these drugs are prohibitively dangerous ( though not so with ivermectin)

The key is early treatment with antivirals. On the day patients first become symptomatic the viral loads are still at very treatable levels, but around that time the exponential growth rate of the virus begins to kick in for some people. Doxycylcline, any of the tetracylines, azithromycin or other macrolides, ritonovir, remdesivir, lopanavir, quinolones like hydroxychloroquine and quinine will all suppress the replication of the virus while the viral load is still low. The earlier they are given the better they will work.

Because all these drugs work on a whole bunch of related viruses. Ivermectin has been shown to inhibit flu and dengue fever and zika and hiv and a few bacterium like leprosy and TB. Most of the drugs used on covid are broad spectrum antivirals. They will work on most flu like viral illnesses if given early enough. Hydroxychloroquine works. Its just that I believe ivermectin works faster and is safer. Virutally no one needs to die.

It is a fundamental misunderstanding of how viral infections work and how antivirals work that the scientific establishment has used to trick people into thinking that there is “no cure”. There is only no cure if the government prevents you from getting antivirals in the first few days of the illness. You can cure early stage covid with $7 worth of medicine. But they can’t make money that way. They can’t steal elections that way. They cant destroy small businesses and get rid of half a million medicare recipients in one fell swoop.

[–]ActuallyNot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I.e. Dont do a risk benefit analysis, you 21 year olds.

Not at all. Merely pointing out that even though the benefits are substantial and the risks infinitesimal, there's further benefits beyond the individual ones.

Lets say I accept your number 8000 covid deaths in the under 40 category.

A sensible thing to say.

With a mandatory reporting system where all doctors/coronors are explicitly encouraged by the CDC to enter a covid death code for any death even remotely suspected to be covid related.

Okay, you're going to need to show me the policy document or law that explicitly encourages that. Because the statistics of deaths are important for epidemiological studies. If the standards are changing, then that's going to have a lot of flow on effects for a lot of CDC work. It's not plausible.

[–]InvoluntaryHalibut 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”

This was a departure from all the guidance that has ever been given on cause of death from any other disease like influenza.

They have given no such guidance in attributing deaths to vaccine on the CDC death certificate.

Hospitals stand to gain tens of thousands of dollars for every patient that is listed as dying of covid

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] which oversees the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, under the federal coronavirus aid relief bill known as the CARES Act, hospitals get an extra 20% in Medicare reimbursements on top of traditional rates due to the public health emergency.....Of that second-round money, HHS reported 63 California hospitals received $50,000 for each eligible coronavirus patient they admitted between Jan. 1 and June 10, 2020. That's a combined total of more than $607 million.

The NIH (Anthony Fauci) funded American and Chinese scientists to create genetic hybrids of SARS and wild bat coronaviruses and much of this work was performed in the laboratory across the street from the Huanan wet market, purported origin of the covid outbreak. Wake up.

Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are proven to cure covid in of studies, as are dozens of other antivirals, if they are given early in the course of the illness when the effective concentrations can be reached.

The belief that this is a bullet proof virus that cant be killed by any known drugs is false. This virus is as easy to kill with antivirals as the flu and cold virus, when the viral load is at similar levels. It is only because the replication of this virus is faster in some people that causes severe disease. Viral levels are still low at the onset of symptoms.

The CDC refused to acknowlege any studies that showed antivirals treated covid effectively because any recognized proven treatments would have obviated the emergency vaccine approval which they wanted to shove through because $$$$$ cha-ching. All the studies that were promoted by big pharma’s buddies at Elsevier were statistically shotty con jobs that all used biased data and propensity scoring on late stage patients. It was p-hacking.

The vast majority of deaths of covid patients under 40 are people with severe underlying conditions. Most of them could have been saved with antivirals but the CDC, FDA and leftist governors prevented that.

The vast majority of deaths of vaccine recipients under 40 will be people in peak health who die of thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis and autoimmune disorders. Even more people will develop autoimmune disorders that they will have until they die.

And now tell me, how have they solved the ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) problem that they predicted would happen with the SARS vaccine? All viruses in this category can potentially cause an enhanced ( more severe ) case particularly in young people as a result of a previous immunity from another strain. The vaccine increases the chance of an ADE outbreak because everyone is now immune to the exact same strain. You will have to get a booster every year. Understand only the people who were never at risk of dying from SARS are vulnerable to an ADE infection. ADE will effect young healthy people the most.


[–]ActuallyNot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Okay. You've said "all doctors/coronors are explicitly encouraged by the CDC to enter a covid death code for any death even remotely suspected to be covid related."

For evidence you link to Vital Statistics Reporting Guidance, Report No. 3 ▪ April 2020, which says "Ideally, testing for COVID–19 should be conducted, but it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate without this confirmation if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty."

That encourages doctors to test for COVID-19, and only write it without testing if testing is impossible, and then only if the circumstances are compelling.

A reasonable person might think you're trying to distort the facts.

They have given no such guidance in attributing deaths to vaccine on the CDC death certificate.

Oh, for fuck's sake. Really?

There were literally millions of people vaccinated before the blood clot thing could even be detected, and even then thrombosis in general was lower in the vaccinated group.

Hospitals stand to gain tens of thousands of dollars for every patient that is listed as dying of covid

Not according to your quote. For every patient that is admitted who has covid.

[–]InvoluntaryHalibut 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

They immediately reached out to staff at UF Health Shands. They were told it was a mistake made in the paperwork. Randy and Pam said they were skeptical since they were told specifically that their father had tested negative several times for COVID-19.

A funeral director in the North West told the Mail: ‘The way Covid has been recorded and reported is a national scandal and a thorough enquiry should be opened immediately.’....

‘The doctor explained to me that in the absence of a test, doctors are encouraged to put down Covid on death certificates,’ he said. ‘But he agreed that my mother was suffering from COPD and severe dementia, and he also agreed to get the death certificate changed. This only happened because I challenged it.’...

Yet his death certificate stated he had died from Covid-19, despite testing negative for the virus just four days before he passed away at Charnwood Oaks care home in Shepshed, Leics.

Dr. Erickson noted he has spoken to numerous physicians who say they are being pressured to add COVID-19 to death certificates and diagnostic lists—even when the novel coronavirus appears to have no relation to the victim’s cause of death. “They say, ‘You know, it’s interesting. When I’m writing up my death report I’m being pressured to add Covid,’” Erickson said. “Why is that? Why are we being pressured to add Covid? To maybe increase the numbers, and make it look a little bit worse than it is?”

These doctors had their video interview with reporters banned from youtube.

I can go on all day.

Physicians explicitly encouraged to err on the side of listing covid as COD. Hospitals bribed tens of thousands of dollars per covid death.

“They Don’t Want to See People Like Us” - three formerly pro-vax healthcare workers suffer severe neurological side effects after being jabbed and told they are having panic attacks. Look at the footage of these women after getting their shot. There is no way they are having panic attacks.:

They are trying to cover up vaccine adverse reactions and deaths.

They are trying to cover up vaccine adverse reactions and deaths.

They are trying to cover up vaccine adverse reactions and deaths.

Why do we not know the frequency of thrombocytopenia in young people who have received the vaccine? That is a simple blood test that can be taken from a relatively small sample size ~1000 to infer the distribution of platelet counts post vaccine in this population.


Stop making excuses for politicized science.

I read maybe six or seven early studies on hydroxychloroquine that were heavily publicized at the start of the epidemic. They were complete shit.

I used to collect and analyze data for the federal government. My title was MEASUREMENT ANALYST. So I know exactly how misinformation is propagated using cherry picked data sets, dishonest assumptions, and unintutive metrics that hide the true dispostition of the data. I did it.

It is easy to lie with statistics. EASY.

Your daily reminder that Anthony Fauci personally approved NIH funding over many years for genetic experiments to create hybrids of SARS and other coronaviruses conducted by the Wuhan Institute of Virology and several American scientists including Peter Daszak — the WHO scientist on the panel to investigate the origin of SARS Cov 2

[–]ActuallyNot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The CoVid deaths will be underestimated, nation-wide.

This is corroborated by other data. There are more than 500,000 extra deaths in 2020 than 2019. Suicides were down about 6%, so it's not stress from the economy. There was no influenza. But only 350,000 deaths are classified as from CoVid. Some of the extra deaths will be because of strain on the healthcare system. (Such as people dying because of intensive care units are all in use). And some will be due to people avoiding going out. (Such as people choosing home berth rather than risk going to a hospital.) But most of those 150,000 will be undercounted CoViD deaths.

Physicians explicitly encouraged to err on the side of listing covid as COD. Hospitals bribed tens of thousands of dollars per covid death.

I've had a look around regarding the "incentives" for marking someone as CoViD after death, and it's simply not true. Those numbers are about what you would get from medicare on average. But only for an uninsured patient, which is a minority.

However, they didn't get it for "CoVID" the money is commensurate to the amount of care required. It happens that CoVID patients require a lot of care, which is why they're more expensive.

Recently there has been legislation supplying more funding for healthcare providers which is distributed according to where there is pressure on healthcare from CoVID. But it's not a $x per patient. It's a share of the funding based on share of patients.

They immediately reached out to staff at UF Health Shands. They were told it was a mistake made in the paperwork.

350,000 have died of Covid-19 in the US.

One clerical error, is simply a clerical error. There are checks between that and entry into the CDC database. Such mistakes would not end up in the national count.

They are trying to cover up vaccine adverse reactions and deaths.

This is bullshit. There's been about 1 in a million reactions from the Astrazeneca. The mRNA vaccines have no adverse reactions.

This data is not just from the USA. You need to claim that all the governments are manipulating the data on this. Which means you need a much bigger reason that medicare.

It is easy to lie with statistics. EASY.

So I see. What do you think the extra 500,000 deaths in the USA in 2020 compared to 2019 are attributable to?