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[–]JasonCarswell 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I read it and didn't see any low blows.

I've been very open about my mood issues and history of trying anti-depressants. Some mental illnesses are like this and others are related to cognitive abilities. Many misconceptions abound about mental illnesses and too many people think you're just mental if you have any issues at all - as if being morbidly obese or quadriplegic of a sprained ankle are equivalent "physical health" issues.

Like bringing up the fact of someone's sexuality, race, or other physical limitations or attributes, he brought that up, to shame, insult, or belittle my legitimate issues - that he's still avoided. That is a low blow. It might have rocked me years ago while recovering, but I now have my balls of titanium back and no matter how much M7 want's to play with my balls as is obvious, they won't budge for him as he's clearly not my type. He can eat a bag of ticks with Lyme disease for all I care.

In fact, I agree. If people are becoming emotional about this site then they should take a break.

LOL. Don't fall for his bullshit shill-like tactics. Just because he calls me emotional doesn't make it true.

This could be the new slogan "We respectfully invite you to go fork yourself." I love it.

D3 want's to have SaidIt be available as a download backup. M7 hasn't done that yet, nor do I expect he ever will. Decentralizing his power is not in his ego's interest. Further, while he's federated with NotABug he may not with me or others. There are no guarantees a fork, instance, or other site would even have a chance, even if I wanted to put all my other ideas on hold to try.

Seriously though. I agree with him.

As is your prerogative. In all things or specifics? Care to elaborate? I trust you and your opinion far more than the other asstolls and kissasses who've chimed in against me. Others have supported me too.

Nobody has the right to commandeer this site from him. Community, or otherwise.

I've NEVER advocated for taking the site away from M7 nor demanded he resign - EVER.

I've only persisted in asking for improvements and evolution under his oversight. And I've persisted in calling out his obvious shit - manipulations, deceptions, hypocrisy, stooping, and lies - which thankfully don't happen too often (as far as I'm aware). The more I see his stubbornness the more I'm convinced its a shield to hide his technical inadequacies.

"Community" commandeering is literally a communist coup.

That's bullshit and you know it. I'm not calling for a tyranny by democracy. If you fucking read anything I posted you'd know I'm calling for him to create his own trusted-team to help him be more fair and effective and accountable. Cooperation is NOT communism.

Please take a step back, and consider what you're pushing for.

I know exactly what I'm pushing for, as I have been for years.

M7 chooses to take on all these difficult problems himself. And he's even chosen not to ban me, for whatever good that may or may not do.
That's his prerogative.

Agreed. I don't envy his burdens, and I'm not stupid enough to take them on and play victim all the time without delegating responsibilities or doing much at all about it. He brings this drama on himself (and often fuels it, regardless of his claims to the contrary). Obviously, I'm not the only oppositional "drama".

The odds of tam being trans, and volunteering as an admin to help, and the ice storm fiasco, and the influx of GC related groups is beyond improbable.

Elsewhere under this OP, M7 declared that he wasn't aware of TAM's situation, though TAM's first post clearly stated it (I don't think I saw it). I don't care what TAM is or is not, and I suspect that if M7 knew about it he'd avoid making an admin of a controversial type of person who's inexperienced at only 18 years old. I think TAM is a good one despite having some issues and some wisdom lacking. If anything, is shows that M7 was desperate for help. I'm glad for both of them.

ALL of the refugees, from TheDonald, O&A, IP2, GC, LXXX, etc. are the direct result of Reddit censorship. It's neither a coincidence nor a conspiracy. It's a side effect of the global totalitarian culture war to distract from the class war waged on all citizens by the ruling class and their corporatocracy.

It stinks of M7 being set up.

"Set up" is not the phrase I'd use. Yes, SaidIt is a target, indirectly via the censorship-induced influx of "undesirables", as well as whatever STABs are being well funded by Dems, GOP, Israel, think tanks, etc.

A site destabilization attack is in full swing,

That's not new.

and you're exacerbating the severity.

I cannot deny this.

I'm also certain there is no good time to protest. Even if things were chill and I were to raise these issues, you, M7, and others would call me a shit disturber and accuse me of trying to ruin SaidIt.

As Jimmy Dore goes on about - you don't wait until after the guy's been elected to make demands of him, and you don't wait until there's a good time for universal healthcare (certainly not until after the pandemic). It's ALWAYS time to act and evolve and improve things.

I'm hoping to also educate people by example about how shitty the LXXX/MoronLeft protests are by contrasting with my own "better" protests - AND critically importantly, being open to feedback and improvements. But most of all I'm also trying to show that those asstrolls have some very legitimate issues among their absurd demands.

I'm very well aware this extra drama does not look good on me to all people, especially those who are authoritarians, who accept that their boss is able to exploit them, and who think that site ownership means they own the community that MANY MANY MANY others put time and effort into building, and would be just be an empty shell without the people - like an empty sub.

As I usually do, I've been using formatting with italics and bold. Do I seem emotional? I'm not. M7 is full of shit.

Hurry up and make your forking site.

It's not that simple. Also, after these messages stop trickling in I'll share a post. I DO value your opinion highly, but maybe wait a little to respond.