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[–]369 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

I've come across exactly two people ever coming here that made me think, "wow, this place is a lot better than Reddit or Voat".
I now see neither of those people here anymore.

You're no exception, but you did get a little closer than most would.
See, you noticed a symptom but conflated it with the disease. What was really happening was groups like feminists (okay, SJWs in general) began being used like the useful idiots they are to corner people willing to say what's true. They pushed these people in to places like TheRedPill, pizzagate, conspiracy, kotakuinaction and a few more. Now, not all of these groups are flawless; in fact, that's actually the entire point. They do indeed have glaring faults and that's what made boxing "undesirables" in to them advantageous.
People as described got walled off slowly from the rest of Reddit so they'd herd themselves in to the mentioned subs. In so doing, they found people like themselves, but they also took the bait. The point was to lock them in and slowly start quarantining them and eventually banning them, all so they'd stay away from the target audience: the ones that would still vote for Biden (no, there's a lot more to this, but why not add a little comedy in here and there?). Remember when Reddit started threatening people that try avoid bans?...

You noticed another aspect in addition to the ones I mentioned before: Feminists DETEST men and they hate that more youthful women are more valuable than them so they do everything in their power to devalue said women. Historically, this has meant clamoring for tighter restrictions on age of consent, like statutory rape (which, I'll admit that there's a lot more to it than this and that we've progressed as a species, morality, yadda yadda. I don't disagree there), which is used widely to destroy young mens' lives (check the history; don't take my word for it), doing a bunch of cringey shit to make themselves look younger (shorter hair, vibrant colors, showing more cleavage, which all demoralizes women of all ages) and gate keeping young women having children. To explain that last one a little further, bitter old feminists have convinced young women that they don't want children, got all of their daughters birth control and insisted abortions are free and access is plentiful.
In short, these feminists were exploited to do the bidding of the pricks that want to ensure the mating pool is tainted, that tensions arise and corrode relations between sexes (destroying peer bonding). These demoralized young men, which were targeted to ensure certain people stay in office, were used to continue slow roll outs of increased taxes and foreign aid and all of that fun stuff.

I could break down the other ones, like how men aren't supposed to develop sexual strategies, otherwise they'll find out how to build testosterone, avoid depression (and therefore pharmaceuticals), they'll find out how to get more resources (and have more partners; meaning more babies!), they'll stop playing in to the whole wage slavery bullshit because young men would become entrapaneurs again (understanding how to develop sexual straegies translates to developing financial strategies, ie. success = success and the goyim mustn't know) and, finally, they'll stop doom-fapping all of the time, which just plays in to the feedback loop. Naturally, they were escorted to r/TRP
Yet again, feminists and their brigade of simps marched down Reddit Avenue and shrieked down the men that always fucked the girl they liked (or, in reality, who just probably never gave them any time of day...) for daring to not submit to the new matriarchal order. But, that's not all. There are plenty of other entities that can't afford men to organize and find success in groups, especially when they start sharing successful strategies. There's incentive all across the board from this, from the financial industry to the entertainment industry. More competent and resourceful men means more competition, hence Feminism never being organized by women...

Aside from all of that, as I said, you were on the right track. The real pitfall of the Reddit system is the propensity for farming for consensus. It's a great social tool. Vanity distracts from the allure of consensus, so they assign everyone an identity, upon which veracity hinges, and insist they "vote" (which is fake... just like in real life) on what they enjoy the most. Unfortunately, all this does is solidify what the cattle learn vicariously, so they never bother to deviate, which just cements both sides that we've just described.

So, yeah, the whole Reddit thing is just a psychological operation that's replacing media. These systems use a more interactive feedback loop than the Legacy Media, which was its progenitor... which, you guessed it, is entirely sponsored by the CIA and their bundle of homosexual think tanks.

The good news is that some of /ourguys/ hang out with us in these places. Good luck spotting them though.

[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

3 Questions:

1) Who were the two?

2) How would you design social media to avoid the pitfalls of addiction, psyops, etc?

3) What do you think of this: /s/mensrights/comments/77b9/apa_div_51_asks_regarding_men_a_question_paul/ ?

[–]369 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

1) Enza and someone else I'm not going to mention.

2) I don't think you're taking the right approach. I think it's best to recognize ways in which our addictions can help us and then find ways to innovate them which satiate but also remedy the pitfalls. Preventative methods seem to not work for some reason, but I can't pinpoint it. I'll relent that I haven't really put that much thought in to this though.
This is sort of an area of interest to me, so I guess what I can say that just might be of some substance is that removing vanity seems to have the most positive effect. We succeeded in this respect with imageboards: users now focus on quality of information and its density and generally shame those that deviate from removing vanity from discourse.
Outside of this, I'm unsure how we would innovate it.

3) If you were going to invade a country, or, hell, even just cripple it because someone there called you ugly, your first steps would be asking wht the best approach is. Well, these days, warfare is quite a bit more refined than in the recent past. With the advent of social media, weakening an opponent is requisite to engaging them.
So, we should ask ourselves, "how might we weaken our opponent via social media?"
Well, I imagine you noticed these things are interlinked on purpose - we're all here, right now, discussing this because we dared to remain competent and disagreeable, among other masculine traits. In their endeavors to weaken us, their gambit was trading our being walled off for our opportunity to coordinate.
Unfortunately for them, we innovated faster than they could stifle us and are pushing back. You'll notice TRP, NoFap, MGTOW and all of their ilk were infiltrated. The Proud Boys get newbies that always try to get them to do blow, the Boogaloos were clearly comped from the beginning and Jordan Peterson is relentlessly mauled for good reason from CNN to 4chin. All of these things overlap and it's all on purpose.

It's rather fitting Paul had a mini statue of Atlas on his desk. As he conveyed, Atlas shrugging will sink Feminists, so they take themselves down. Men need to be competent and not subservient to deluded, lonely Feminists and recognizing their value again is the first step to do it.

Our species got this far on Traditional Values and respecting both genders equally. Feminism is for Gynocentrists and, as Paul more or less points out, isn't at all about promoting, freeing nor celebrating Feminism, but about feminizing men.