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[–]Sami_Al-Hayid 10 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

Here's how it is.

The Right was kicked off Reddit first. Thus they came here and to similar sites first. Idiotic Leftists who agree with each-other on 99/100 things were kicked off Reddit next, because they disagree with the Left on, oh, 1/100 things. You see, you have to agree on 100/100 things to be a good Leftist.

The latter groups effectively want a 'Reddit minus the mainstream Left that kicked us out, the Left left us, we didn't leave them!!!', which is precisely what the OP wants. He has a 2 day old account which, oh yeah, already effectively calls for deplatforming the Right. Let's face it, you're a Leftist who is just mad that the rest of the Left don't like you because of your belief on a select issue.

So now, there will now be a battle between the established Right and the flood of Leftists coming here (particularly the recent GenderCritical and various 'LGBTQIAXYZ but I have a problem with one single letter so I'm going to form my own group that excludes them' communities). Because Leftists are overwhelmingly the majority, you'll have another Leftist echo chamber in short order. Except that this will be a particularly vicious one full of 'go back to Reddit' and 'screw you because I disagree on one single issue bigot' nonsense.

My advice for Leftists is simple: Drop whatever bigotries you have and then you'll be able to reintegrate into Reddit fine. There, you'll be contained, rather than spilling out like a contagious disease, and other sites won't have to worry about your incessant 'but you don't agree with me on 1/100 issues, so screw you bigot!' nonsense.

If you're GenderCritical, just drop the 'men can't be women' idea immediately. Pronto. You can't do it fast enough. That's pretty much the only reason why Reddit doesn't want you. If you do that, you'll be able to reintegrate into mainstream feminism and Reddit communities just fine.

If you're 'LGBdroptheT' just give up your 'transphobia' and you'll be able to reintegrate into Reddit and standard LGBT just fine.

And so on for all other Leftist communities. You can literally all do this if you just drop the one thing the rest of your diseased kind would gladly blow your head off over disagreeing about. Yes, men can become women. No, trans people are not 'erasing' other alphabet people. This is what the Left overwhelmingly and irreversibly believes now. Without a full-blown collapse, they will never go back to taking your side on those issues. Get with the times.

[–]PRSanon 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Of course alternatives include joining the right, or just being tolerant of other views and coexisting semi-peacefully.

[–]dazedandsubdued 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

lol who is arguing for censorship now? i think we will stay right here. : ) and men can't become women, dumbfuck.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

f you're GenderCritical, just drop the 'men can't be women' idea immediately. Pronto. You can't do it fast enough. That's pretty much the only reason why Reddit doesn't want you. If you do that, you'll be able to reintegrate into mainstream feminism and Reddit communities just fine.

I don't think so. I'm never going back to a community that purposely targets women in subs, including subs regarding PCOS, just to police their language as to not "trigger" some pervert pedo furries in dresses. I'm not calling my vagina a "front hole" just to make deluded men in wigs happy.

Do I sound hateful? Well, prior to the REDDIT POGROMS, I wasn't. Now I don't trust transactivists, and I will always give every trans person I see the side-eye and distrust them... particularly the women-hating transwomen who like to hack, doxx and threaten people.

Reddit is filled with psycho transwomen, some have histories of HACKING THREATS AGAINST OTHER COMPANIES. Many of them gleefully go onto other social media platforms and threaten women with rape, punching, death, simply for disagreeing on the most minor of topics regarding the transgestapo agenda. Forget that. Reddit can keep it's "community".