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[–]Site_rly_sux[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

The war crimes prosecutors are satisfied, that the mass kidnapping of Ukrainian children amounts to war crimes. It's the prosecutors who get to decided what to persue, not you.

Also, yes I suppose it's quite difficult to expressly demonstrate forced relocation to Siberia, internal exile, happening today.

In each of these stories, you will see proof that you are right, and I will see proof that I am right, and neither of us will really agree

In either case, people are being made into refugees or internal migrants because of the Z invasion and war crimes.

Now let's wrap up some other nonsense you said.

  • no, Ukrainians are not killing 'themselves' just because the soviets invaded and conquered Ukraine a century ago.

  • there absolutely is torture happening, it would take a few seconds searching to see the pictures and videos and interviews. You can check out if watching torture videos if your kind of thing. It's proven and undeniable, there are thousands of victims already working with Ukrainian government prosecutors. There are phone intercepts which you can listen to, of ruzzians admitting what they did, including the Wagner runaway who reported to Vladimir Osechkin about torturing children and infants in soledar.

  • the common Ukrainian can only signal to you so many ways, that he wishes to be free on his own two feet. Its up to you, to remove your blindfold and witness what the common Ukrainian has been telling you for decades.

  • yes, the soviet union invaded free Ukraine, overthrew their rada and hetmanate, and installed ruzzian rule, and that's why Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union.

  • it's a war crime to kidnap children. I think I remember you commenting in the thread I made, where the children were interviewed and described being kidnapped across ruzzia. I think it was when this happened but I'm not gonna go digging for the saidit link.

  • whether or not you can find someone who went on the record to say, yes, I was deported to Siberia against my will - forced relocation and passportisation of the occupied regions is absolutely happening. Torture and ethnic cleansing is absolutely happening.

  • ruzzians don't have democracy, don't make me laugh. Even they know that. Go to the "politics" section of any news website in the free world and you'll see discussions of local politicians and local issues. Some mayor or governor suggests something, there's debate, the news media comment on the topic of the day. But - go to the politics section of ruzzian media like tass, Komsomol, even pikabu (ruzzian Reddit) and you'll immediately see what's missing from ruzzian politics.

Where is it, musky? Where is the democracy which you assured me they have? Where is the political debate?

[–]Node 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Laughable propaganda.

[–]Site_rly_sux[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Which? What part did you find funny?

Are you referring to the three links at the end? Some of that can be quite funny, sometimes, in a sardonic nihilist way