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[–]yousaythosethings 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I feel emotions strongly and sometimes I need time/space to process them, and I am vocal about this. I generally don't need a lot of time. Sometimes 15 minutes is enough but I need to be given the opportunity to be alone to think about how I feel, what matters to me, what my options are, and what I want to happen. Anyone who is staunchly in the camp of "you can't walk away from me when you're upset" or "you can't go to sleep angry" is going to exacerbate this, and drive me batshit.

Also, I have a narcissistic parent so I didn't grow up being used to receiving apologies. I don't know that I really EVER received apologies as a kid. Not even a "sorry you're upset" faux apology. "I'm sorry" was just an alien concept. As a result, I did not grow up readily giving them or knowing how to give them, so this was a consciously learned behavior for me. Now I find the ability to apologize and admit I was wrong very freeing. That being said, I wish I didn't say things in the first place that put me in the position of having to apologize.