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[–]newaccount85 3 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 4 fun4 insightful - 5 fun -  (2 children)

They dont experience homophobia and arent willing to suffer through it to endure the work that comes from building the community they benefit from. And theyre right when theyre called out on it, why would they choose to? Holding hands in public while people mock and laugh at you, humbling yourself to make appeals to people's humanity to have your dignity recognized through legal institutions, having to civilize and persuade heterosexuals when it comes to homophobia. This is a journey thats exclusively to gays and lesbians and its theirs alone. It's a curse and a blessing and it's what creates the community. The backlash will be from heterosexuals since transexuals are associated with us. The very nature of our community and its boundaries are formed by its history of homophobia. The homophobia and backlash certainly wont be coming from the transexuals. Lets try to keep things in perspective here. Transexuals are bad...transexualism is caused by hyper heterosexual ideology.

[–]reluctant_commenter 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

This is a journey thats exclusively to gays and lesbians and its theirs alone.

No it's not. This is an LGB community called s/LGBdroptheT. Same sex attraction earns rejection and hatred across the board.

transexualism is caused by hyper heterosexual ideology.

That's reductive and not really accurate. The transgender movement involves several different prominent demographics, including autogynephilic men and teenage girls on the spectrum. If you're talking about the phenomenon of gender dysphoria, I guess you could argue that it's largely born out of homophobia, but for many people who have it, homophobia isn't even relevant.