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[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

They can have their own spaces to talk about their own shit that we can't relate to, just let us have ours!

Here's the problem, though: we just wanna be ourselves, while they just wanna be... US.

LGB identity isn't based on others' perception of us. It's based on sexual orientation. Which is a matter of two things: biological sex (one's own + that of those to whom one is attracted), and sexual attraction. The first has nothing to do with "feelings" (any more than your blood type or species does); the second is "feelings", by definition. So our feelings and our sex are on the same page: there's no contradiction. Which means that they don't require "validation" from other people. Because they get THAT from just plain reality. As does (therefore) our identity as LGB.

TQ+ identity is based on the contention that their feelings NULLIFY their sex: replace it, blot it out, switch it to its opposite. But feelings (including "gender identity") are, as noted above, irrelevant to your sex. So this is by definition impossible. Indeed-- given how obvious their sex remains-- BLATANTLY so. Therefore, since they can't change reality, they instead try to leapfrog over it by getting everyone to ACT as though they have. Oh, we TOTES can't tell! Never woulda guessed IN A MILLION YEARS! Your precious ladyfeelz/dudefeelz/whatever-the-fuck-feelz are ALL THAT WE CAN SEE. Etc. TQ+ identity essentially demands that we all be their co-conspirators... or at least pretend that we are.

So they can't leave other people alone. And us in particular. Why? Well, like most people, the TQ+ are usually straight. But since their all-important "gender identity" is as the opposite sex, this makes them... "gay". Or so they are absolutely HELLBENT on believing; if orientation is determined by sex, after all, then the whole genderist argument falls apart. Which means that we must believe it, too. Hence the incessant demands, the whining, the threats, the attacks. That is... the NOT LETTING US HAVE OUR OWN SPACES. Cuz this would be admitting that "they" aren't actually the same as "us". And they INSIST on being us. They are fixated on it; obsessed with it. That they're gay. Completely and utterly, beyond any shadow of a doubt. For which our wholehearted acceptance is required.

Basically, it comes down to this: they desperately need us... but we don't need them. At all.