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[–][deleted] 33 insightful - 1 fun33 insightful - 0 fun34 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Just watching her mannerisms and facial expressions, the way she holds herself, I can't help but think how on earth is she meant to be a man?

[–]yousaythosethingsFind and Replace "gatekeeping" with "having boundaries"[S] 43 insightful - 5 fun43 insightful - 4 fun44 insightful - 5 fun -  (1 child)

I feel the same way. One of my family my members dismissively said, “She's always had dude vibes.” I was so annoyed. When I went back and watched her I agree that she is more feminine than people give her credit for. Not really even butch, just tomboy/chapstick. She’s no girly girl and pretty clockable as a lesbian, but manly? Not even. If this is manly, I might as well transition too.

[–]INeedSomeTimeAsexual Ally 30 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 0 fun31 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm legitimately more manly than her and I never considered myself trans or non-binary. It's just the way I am and I'm not gonna "fix" myself to fit a stereotype.