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[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

What is really happening is the tactic that Becker outlined called "forced teaming." Everything about gender activism is forced teaming. Forced teaming of women with trans women. Forced teaming of men with trans men. Forced teaming of LGB with TQ, which they then further dilute by bringing in a bunch of other letters. Forced teaming of gender activism with BLM/racial justice activism despite the weirdly racist shit that comes out of TRAs mouths on a daily basis while trying to coerce other people out of their sexual orientation.

"Forced teaming"-- you (and Mr. de Becker) are right on the money there: that's exactly what this is. (Also like the term "gender activists": more fitting than "TRAs", I think. Maybe we should call 'em "GEAs" [gender entitlement activists], "GA"s [genderism activists], and/or "GDA"s [gender dogma activists]? What do you think?)

And I'm not the only person who agrees with your assessment:

What can be done about this forced teaming, do you think? Could we adapt de Becker's counter-strategies? (Did he provide some? Don't have the book in front of me, I'm afraid.) Perhaps even in some organized, "official" way? Like, as a policy?

I'm also wondering whether we might be able to pull some forced teaming-jujitsu on them. If TWAW/TMAM, then WATW/MATM naturally follows, right? So we are automatically entitled to TRANS resources. In fact, I'd argue that we are more entitled to them, since there are far more of us, we've been consistently deprived of them, and ours is an identity still largely unacknowledged. Why, we're the trans-trans: DOUBLY-trans, thus doubly-oppressed! Our "gender identity" is a combination of NOT having one (lacking "genderfeelz"), yet nonetheless being shaped in innumerable ways by the gender-role imposed on us according to our observed biological sex; identifying with our gender-role in some ways but not others; identifying with the OPPOSITE gender-role in some ways but not others; and identifying with NEITHER gender-role in some ways. Meaning that we transcend gender... or "trans", for short. Which makes us... trans.

Cuz when it comes to mind-fuckery, ya goddamn genderwooists, TWO can play at THAT game :)

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's a horrible sort of "if you're not with us, you're against us" kind of intellectual or ideological blackmailing.

I'm really not sure what strategies would be effective to counter it; they've been very effective in digging their hooks in and parasitizing the LGB movement to their benefit.