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[–]CheesyPeas 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I think one of the factors to his self awareness is he is slightly older than a lot of the young trans trenders we usually see on Reddit and Twitter.

I am an ageing (well over 50) AGP homosexual male.

I got diagnosed with GID (gender identity disorder) in 1982. As a teenager. I share much with this chaps posts. So I will not re-iterate much. But just to add. I think there are a lot of classical transvestites/transvestic fetishism who understand very well they are not women. Or will ever be one.

I am deeply aware that my cross-dressing is sexually driven. Always has been. I know I am partaking in 'gender blackface' as I have labelled it.

But I keep it private. To my own home. My hubby indulges me from time to time. But I do not let it run my life.

I will admit to struggling with it a lot when I was much younger. The drive to wish to present was very strong. But I never forced it upon anyone. Maybe a touch of eyeliner or some mascara. Painted toe nails... Was about as risqué as I ever got in public.

I read these stories of these kids and I just see AGP in nearly all of them. After my diagnosis my parents were told to leave me alone. Even though I professed to being a girl as I went through and out of the other side of puberty this feeling diminished and I was back to feeling I am just a man, confused one certainly. But a man, never the less.

I find it sad that so many young men are being allowed to indulge this fetish to the point of self destruction, in decades to come we are going to witness much regret from these kids.

'Lessons will be learnt' to late to stop lives being ruined. What a shitshow.

I think there are more of us than we imagine. But like the 'quiet' gays you never know are gay we stay quiet in the shadows.

It is always the most radical and noisy that get the attention. Sadly. They ruin it often for the rest of us, just trying to live a good and private life.

[–]oofreesouloo⚡super lesbian⚡[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for your insightful answer :) See, I have 0 problem with AGP males and autoandrophilic (I think I'm saying it right) females. What you do privately with or without a loved one I have no business with and I don't care. And everyone should be absolutely allowed to dress however they want. Let's just not pretend men can be women and women can be men. The problem is that these TRAs are forcing EVERYONE to indulge in their fetishes, by twisting language and banning, shutting down, gaslighting everyone. But I know you know that already. I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate your feedback and answer.