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[–]WildApples 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I get that on a mass level, but it is hard for me to see how any individual with a couple of brain cells can buy that saying, "Let's stop and think about whether there may be any less severe option besides permanently mutilating a young person" is an expression of hate. How can people be so lacking in common sense?

[–]Apis 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Because they don't want to apply reason. If they did, they would have to consider that people and institutions they trusted have distorted the truth beyond recognition.

That the political sphere is far more hopelessly corrupt than "Democrats good; Republicans bad"

That they have cheered on the sterilization and sexual neutralization of a generation of gay and otherwise gnc kids before they could consent to sex or know what they were missing out on for the e tirety of their adult lives.

That they might indeed have become the baddies.

Most of us here had to think long and hard about whether we were missing something, something that would make it all make sense, something that would show we had somehow lapsed into bigotry and that once we found the flaw in our logic, we could stop being the baddie. That willingness to consider whether you're wrong and examine the arguments in a cold sterile light, prepared to accept fault has been what has allowed many of us to peak. It has taken many of us from "what that tra said is insane but I mustve misunderstood / that can't really be what trans rights is about" to "what the hell is going on here? Is the problem me?" To "it's not bigoted to recognize males and females are physically different and it makes more sense to organize society around objective biological reality than around unverifiable subjective perceptions. "