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[–]FlippyKing 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Wow, what an "expert"! When he asks if children are mature enough, I can stop him right there. The answer is almost always no. He'd have to prove otherwise. These people don't prove anything, they state things as fact and idiots buy it because they accept that there can be such a thing as an expert on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Is it a social construct, an innate part of being, or bs? If it is a social construct, that imitates and supersedes sex, how is it CHOSEN by a two year old child? Or, is this "expert" on it saying it is innate? So, a sexually immature child (redundant, as all children are sexually immature) knows their "gender" from the ever-increasing list of them, and if that is true then what does that mean? Why does it use words we use to designate for the two and only two sexes if it is not to be conflated with sex? It's like wearing a baseball uniform but insisting the clothing should not be conflated with baseball, but it's so much worse and it is meant to twist kids' minds. I think I stumbled onto something here, we should demand they use other words so that there is no conflating this gender crap with sex. We should know when they are refering to gender by the words they use, because using the terminology taken from sex they do conflate it every single time.

WE need to demand they USE OTHER WORDS to describe or label this gender thing that is not to be conflated with sex, that the claim (gaslight us really) we're conflating with sex.

Of course, calling it all BS is the most simple option providing the cleanest of solutions, of the: 1) social construct, 2) innate, or 3) BS options. He then would be an expert in BS. Because, what is an expert in gender if it is all BS? Oh, but he's an expert in sexual orientation. So am I. If a guy is checking out women, he's probably straight. If he's checking out guys, he's probably gay. Defer to my expertise on this if it seems unclear.