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[–]MarkTwainiac 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

But yeah, I saw a comment on a Youtube video with Posie Parker talking to the Triggonemetry guys and the guy was saying that women have no right to complain about having their spaces invaded when women have invaded men's spaces. I asked him to clarify and give me examples because I had not heard of this at all and he said that whenever MRAs try to have an event, that feminists try to shut it down and that feminists are hypocritical because they say want to speak up on women's issues but talk down on MRAs who try to discuss male issues.

Please ask this person to name exactly which MRA events and men's events generally feminists have tried to shut down?

Women have campaigned to be allowed to have a shot at participating in orgs and spheres of life from which we were historically excluded entirely, or in which our numbers were kept very low by quotas and the intentional creation of environments hostile to females, based solely on our sex for no justifiable reason: the ballot box; numerous jobs, lines of work and professions that historically were male-only; schools that barred us like Yale, Princeton and Dartmouth; specialist education and professions such as medicine, law, business, engineering, architecture, the "hard" sciences where there were quotas on the number of females allowed in so it would be guaranteed that women would remain only a teeny-tiny minority; the corridors of governmental power such as state and national legislatures; the judiciary; corporate management and the executive suite; male-only clubs where men met to make political, legal and business deals and alliances; sporting events from which women were explicitly barred such as all amateur road running events in the US, whether casual community races just for fun or major events like the New York and Boston Marathons...

But feminists never lobbied against men having their own events or orgs apart from women. For example, when previously all-male schools like many of the Ivy League were opened to female students, feminists did not say that male students should no longer be able to have their own sports, dormitories or fraternities.

AFAIK, feminists have never tried to shut down events like the Million Man March; seminars for males to learn the tricks of male PUAs; men's self-help groups like all-male AA and NA meetings; or any male-only support groups.

Feminists have never tried to shut down a minyan at a Jewish synagogue, male-only services at mosques, or a meeting of the RC College of Cardinals or the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Feminists have never tried to shut down sports events featuring only male athletes or male professional sports leagues like the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL or FIFA. Feminists have never tried to shut down all the clubs, bath houses and locales such as Fire Island Pines where gay men historically have met exclusively with other men for the purpose of socializing, having sex and building politcal alliances. Feminists have never tried to shut down or silence any Gay Men's Chorus.

During the AIDS crisis, feminists didn't try to prevent men from meeting about it. When men in NYC founded the org called Gay Men's Health Crisis, feminists didn't protest its name or say that it was exclusionary. Some of us volunteered to pitch in and help.

[–]Kai_Decadence[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Right, you raise a lot of good points and I've tried looking into these things that these men claim women caused and I couldn't really find anything so it sounds to me like a lot of these men are just talking out their butts and grasp on the very rare instance where a woman did something wrong and got away with it.

And what you shared at the bottom is why I don't let other men just run their mouth blaming women for problems that men by and large caused for themselves/ourselves. Women were the ones who lent a hand to vulnerable men when they didn't have to.