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[–]ColoredTwice 18 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 0 fun19 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I answered there around deletion time, so most likely no one read. Here my answer:

First of all, there never both gonades functioning. So we can't be "both". It is impossible - we are always either male or female. We never "both".

Assigning at birth was medical malpractice that was often leading to IGM. Nowadays a lot of where it is either outlawed or thought as malpractice and not encouraged.

Second - in USA there are transgender and non-binary people around 3-10 times more than all intersex people, so even if all intersex people would be trans - we would be minority there. And in reality few years ago only around 0.8-1% of intersex people were trans.

Lastly, knowing sex is very important for our treatment and to know what complications we can have later in life. My condition (salt-wasting CAH) in heavy cases like mine require to identify sex in first 3 hours of life, or toddler will die (or become disabled if treatment was too late or wrong). Previously only boys were often surviving with it, but girls dying - because our bigger virilized clitoris was looking "similar to small penis", so we were receiving treatment for boys (plus treatment for boys can wait up to 10-14 hours, while for girls only 2-4). And when medicine came to realization that we are just your regular females with virilized body - most girls are now saved as well. And speaking about genitals - no, my bigger clitoris is not "male genitalia". It works like any other clitoris, just bigger in size and it does not work like penis at all - I can't pee throught it, I can't ejaculate at all, and so on. I am your typical woman, just looking a bit more masculine. That's it.

Best description will be - we are like people with congenital heart disease, but instead of heart we have issues with sexual development. We aren't some mythical beast.

There 40 different DSD's under this umbrella. All very different.

Try following on Twitter @zaelefty (and his youtube channel), @AlexAlicit or @RaeUK for more details, they often discussing such issues and linking studies.

[–]ColoredTwice 14 insightful - 2 fun14 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

And speaking about this post topic - I can't even understand why trans ideologists are using us as cannon fodder - as in any case possible we are not proving anything.

  1. As only very small amount of trans people are intersex.

  2. Even if we are 3rd or 4th sex - it is not proving that one sex can be changed to other.

  3. If we were "assigned wrongly", it is still was found because of physical complications and tests later, not based on our feelings. And, again - only very small amount of trans people are "intersex".

In no way it proves their point, but at same time dehumanizes us.

[–]lefterfield 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, but they have literally no argument. Talking about intersex people confuses many who don't understand science very well, and invokes sympathy.