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[–]BEB[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

I'll admit that until recently I knew almost nothing about Hilaria Baldwin. I'd see her constantly featured in my guilty pleasure read, the trashtastic DAILY MAIL, and think, "Wow, that woman is thirsty & damn she must be paying a lot for publicity."

Because Hilaria would be featured constantly, doing difficult yoga poses, often while holding what seemed to be an endless supply of very young children.

Then Hilaria was exposed as having faked her origins: while pretending to be from Spain, she was a rich kid from the US. All hell broke loose. The vitriol against her was such it was as if Hilaria had killed all the babies she had been pictured holding, instead of having birthed them.

The sheer amount of fury and ridicule Hilaria received really pissed me off. I don't care about Hilaria Baldwin. To me, she seems like a narcissist. But all she did was pretend to be from a country and culture she clearly loves.

Whereas Bruce Jenner, who started so many of us off on Peak Trans, after APPROPRIATING womanhood and our oppression, was given a 4th career wind, was voted a "Woman of the Year," was called "stunning & brave" even when he looked like a fun house version of Cindy Crawford mixed with the Incredible Hulk, etc. and ad nauseam.

The treatment of Hilaria Baldwin very clearly points out the hypocrisy of the WOKE, who go after cultural appropriation as if it were akin to genocide, but think that the appropriation of womanhood is to be celebrated.

I feel that we can use this to our advantage:

Ask the next person who claims Trans Women Are Women why Bruce Jenner is considered a woman just by self-declaration, but Hilaria Baldwin isn't considered Spanish?

Watch as they squirm. Maybe you'll wake them up a tiny bit, or maybe they'll actually examine their beliefs and realize that TWAW is absurd. Or maybe, just maybe, they'll even join us...

[–]MarkTwainiac 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

all she did was pretend to be from a country and culture she clearly loves.

Not only that: the arguments against cultural appropriation always say that the egregious offense is when people from a dominant, privileged group appropriate the culture of people from an oppressed group that historically has held minority status (real numerical minority status in a certain places, such as is the case with blacks in the US or UK, but not Africa; or de facto minority status, as in the case of women globally) and been marginalized and discriminated against.

Yes, some will accuse certain black people of "acting white," or slam Asian people for using skin whiteners and getting eye surgeries to "look Anglo," or Irish Catholic people for pretending to be English or Scottish Protestant. But that's more coz these people are seen as exhibiting negative views toward their own ethnicity and culture, not coz they are taking something that belongs to a marginalized group and exploiting and making use of it in a disrespectful way for their own ends. Generally speaking, no one cares if someone from a historically oppressed minority group apes and takes from the dominant, privileged group. After all, Ralph Lauren has built a fashion empire on appropriating the American and British WASP aesthetic; and back in the 80s and 90s, hip hop did the same with clothing traditionally associated with white American preppies.

What's interesting about H Baldwin's case is that she has been slammed for being a privileged white person from a culture and nationality (US) that has been in a/the dominant position globally for about the past 100 years who has tried to associate herself with/appropriate the culture and nationality of a different people. But what gets overlooked is that the people and nationality Baldwin picked to imitate/appropriate are not only white just like she is, but over the course of history they constituted most dominant and oppressive group on earth - the Spanish. After all, Baldwin didn't pretend to be Mexican, Dominican, Nicaraguan or Colombian; she pretended to be from Spain, the country that gave the world the conquistadors, financed Christopher Columbus and were the first to colonize the Americas.

Fact is, for hundreds of years starting in 1469 Spain was one of the greatest, most prominent and wealthiest global powers of the modern era, controlling and plundering a vast colonial empire (mostly in the Americas, but also encompassing parts of Asia such as the Philippines and a few places in Africa too) and subjecting the indigenous peoples in its territories to all sorts of horrors and injustice. Spain also was the country that started slavery in the New World. More than a century before 1619, the Spanish king Charles V in 1517 established that his subjects could use slavery in the New World, which caused many indigenous people in the Americas to be enslaved and kicked off the practice of capturing and shipping black Africans to the Americas as slaves as well.

Also, during WW2 Spain, under the dictatorship of fascist Franco, took a stance that was officially neutral, but in fact favored and aided the Axis powers in a number of ways. At one point early in the war, Franco sought to join the war as part of the Axis, but coz Franco and Hitler both had certain political and territorial aims that were at cross purposes, when the two men met in 1940 they could not work out the details of an alliance that were satisfactory to both.

My point is, today all the former European colonial powers and those who were "on the wrong side of history" in WW2, particularly the Germans, are still seen as fair game for criticism, scorn, ridicule as well as for cultural appropriation. Today many aspects of European cultures are happily embraced - appropriated - by pretty much the whole world, including a number directly associated with colonialism (Land Rover, safari clothing, the Babar books, all the movies and TV shows about explorers and pirates) and even with the Nazi regime (Hugo Boss, Bayer, Volkswagen, Siemens). So why the completely different standards when it comes to Spain - a former colonial power that once was the richest land on earth and introduced slavery to the New World and the Philippines, and which today still ranks 13th in the world in per capita GDP?

I think it's silly - and pathetic - that Hilaria Baldwin pretended she's from Spain, but it's not like Spain is a poor, oppressed country that historically been constantly picked on and downtrodden and whose people have been routinely "othered," looked down on and abused for their race/ethnicity and considered "uncivilized," inferior and "primitive." On the contrary, in the past 500 years Spain and the Spanish were the ones who did a whole lot of that shit to people of other races and nationalities. In fact, the Spanish went so far as to invent some entirely new ways of committing human rights violations against others.

[–]BEB[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I was going to try to make the same point (that it's not as if Hilaria is appropriating the oppression of a traditionally marginalized group, like Brucelyn Jenner did to women) but didn't have the energy, so thanks for doing it so well!

[–]MarkTwainiac 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Glad another one of my long-winded posts was of use. When the H Baldwin story was breaking, I kept scratching my head and wondering, "Since when did Spain become marginalized"?

[–]BEB[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I know - I have never been to Spain, but I watch a lot of Spanish programming and it looks to me like Spain has a very high standard of living even long after its colonial days.

And the Hilaria Baldwin pile-on continues: the article I linked I saw yesterday, long after the Hilaria cultural appropriation "scandal" broke.

[–]Femaleisnthateful 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I wonder if it's because of a lazy mental association with 'Latinx' culture, which has been heavily appropriated by the Woke movement.