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[–]teacherterf 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Some more context for the defunding:

  • There are (at least) nine women's shelters in the Vancouver area. Eight (8) of them are fully "inclusive", providing an entire slate of services to everyone who claims to identify as a woman. VRR, contrary to propaganda, only extends most of its services (such as counselling) to males.

  • The municipal grant that VRR lost after Oger's intervention was worth around $30,000/year. The other shelters receive municipal funding totalling around $200,000.

  • Vancouver is committed to equity and allows organizations that restrict services to equity-seeking groups to receive public funding. For instance, organizations that provide services for indigenous youth and Chinese seniors both receive public funding. "Equity-seeking groups" are defined at the city level as ones that have historically endured discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, religious affiliation, or disability. Notice anything missing?