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[–]Nosce_te_ipsum 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Just like with the "Americans" category, they might be referring to the fact that the majority of reddit users are in-between 20 and 30 years old. That being said, it's still ridiculous. What happens when one person is part of a majority in one category, but part of a minority in another? For example, someone is part of a racial minority (in America), but they are heterosexual, "cisgender", neurotypical and between the ages of 20 and 30. Are they still considered a minority, or does being part of multiple "majority" groups cancel their minority status? Is there an hierarchy to these categories? Maybe I don't properly understand the context in which this rule was instituted, but from where I stand, it looks incredibly dumb (beyond being unhelpful to anyone).

Also, whomever made up this rule seems unaware that although women make up the majority of the population numerically, historically women - even white women in white countries - were treated as lesser and for all intents and purposes - even in legal definitions - were considered a "minority" group.

That was the part I wanted to address the most too. These people, including the so called feminists, seem to be incapable of understanding that the way discrimination against women worked (and still works to this day) has nothing to do with our numbers. They look at all the other categories of people that got discriminated against in history, see that one of the main factors for the majority of them was that they were at a numerical disadvantage, and conclude that women couldn't have been oppressed. Or, maybe, they think there were fewer of us in the past? Do they think we only got our right to vote about 100 years ago (or a few decades ago in some places), because women made only 20% of the human population back then, or what?

No matter how you look at it, these people aren't very bright.

*Edited to add that I admire the work you've done in that refugee resettlement, especially the help you provided to girls and women.