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[–]MarkTwainiac 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

As to the claim that

83% of trans young people have experienced name-calling or verbal abuse

I'd wager that 100% of female people have experienced name-calling and verbal abuse simply for being discernibly female. It's happened to most women I've known pretty much all our lives.

Moreover, amongst families, peer groups, schoolmates, work colleagues, neighbors etc, everyone gets called names, made fun of and "picked on" at some point or at many points in their lives, particularly in childhood and adolescence.

Name-calling, verbal abuse and other kinds of abuse even happens to the "cool kids" whom many other kids assume just breeze through life without any problems. Coz the fact is, ridicule and harassment aren't just done by the people on top to people they see as below them. A lot of kids who see themselves as outcasts and losers are actually extremely abusive of others they think have it easier. And many boys who feel they don't fit in and will never be able to get a girlfriend or boyfriend are major bullies and sexual harassers.

I also wonder how many of those 83% of trans young people freely slur other people as bigots, TERFs, cis, transphobes, Boomers, Karens, etc; how many often say other things that are homophobic, racist, classist and misogynistic; and how many tell people who have differing views from their own that they are "trash," are of "low quality" or "worthless" and deserve to die in grease fires or be choked to death on girl dick.