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[–]Shesstealthy 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

RCs are 100 percent allowed to pray to any saint they want. That's half the reason we have them.

But I agree, patriarchy isn't merely a Roman thing. The Greeks, for a start...

Like Western cultures, in the golden age of Islam there were certainly some privileged women occupying important roles and compared to the world it came from Islam was pretty liberal on the subject of women's rights. Today it looks very much not of course because it's regressed/continues to act like it's the 14th century.

Just because Celts and Vikings let women own property doesn't mean they weren't patriarchal societies either.

[–]MarkTwainiac[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

RCs are 100 percent allowed to pray to any saint they want. That's half the reason we have them.

Yes, you are right. I stand corrected. And added a correction noted in bold at the end of my OP. Thanks.

In some strands of Roman Catholicism, however, Mary is the most venerated of all the saints, and she is seen as having more powers of intercession than other saints in part coz of her status as the Immaculate Conception. It's why Hail Marys, the rosary and novenas are so commonplace - and why most former/recovering RCs can recite the Hail Mary from memory even if they've not recited it for 40 years.

Also, a lot of RC saints are believed to have specialized powers of protection and intercession. St Christopher is prayed to provide safe passage when travelling (as well as protection against epilepsy, lightning, storms, pestilence, and floods); St Jude when you have a lost cause and feel there's no hope; to St Lucy if you have eye or vision problems... and so on. Whereas my understanding is that Mary is prayed to for more general purposes.