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[–]SpatOuttheKoolaid 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

It's popular (or appears to be popular.....not seeing a lot of actual voters polls on this issue), and she's not thinking. Also she's of the socioeconomic class where she won't have to deal with it, like the rest of us.

[–]MarkTwainiac 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Also she's of the socioeconomic class where she won't have to deal with it, like the rest of us.

Huh? You seem to be assuming that all "the rest of us" are ultra-powerful, multimillionaire mansion-dwellers like Pelosi. I think this is very much a misapprehension.

Sorry, the moves Pelosi and Biden are endorsing now affect - and will affect - people of all socioeconomic classes, races, ethnicities, creeds, etc. From children in middle school to HS and college/uni athletes all across the land. And including ill and disabled people and old women like me who no longer have the legal right to insist that the health aides who provide us with intimate care we need - such as help with toileting and bathing - either in health care facilities or our own homes be of the same sex.

In the US state I live in, participation in school sports and prison placement are now done on the basis of "gender identity" rather than biological sex. Yes, that affects only a segment of the population. Coz of your own Pelosi-level socioeconomic status, you might not care about girl athletes losing out on chances to get medals and college scholarships, or their right to shower without males looking on - or about female prisoners being locked in with violent, predatory males. But a lot of us from all over the socioeconomic spectrum do care.

Also, the same rule governing participation in sports and prison placement now holds - or will hold - sway over communal toilets in workplaces and public places like theaters, restaurants, bars and nightclubs; changing an locker rooms; showers; shelters for the homeless and people seeking refuge from domestic violence; rape refuges and recovery programs... and so on. You really think this is something girls and women of all socioeconomic classes "won't have to deal with"?

[–]SpatOuttheKoolaid 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Sorry--grammatical error. I fully agree with you and was attempting to make that point......should have been "unlike the rest of us". That Pelosi's wealth and power keeps her out of locker rooms, prisons, shelters, etc.

[–]MarkTwainiac 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Oh okay, sorry. There have been many people coming here and other forums of late expressing opinions like the one you seemed to be espousing, basically saying "what's it to you? 'trans rights' won't affect you at all."

Should I delete my comment?

[–]MarkTwainiac 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Pelosi's wealth and power keeps her out of locker rooms, prisons, shelters, etc.

But at age 80, Pelosi should know that even her wealth and power won't keep her out of hospital or can't prevent her being dependent on carers as she grows older. Women who are elderly and/or have disabilities are losing the right to insist on carers of the same sex, even for intimate care such as help with toileting and bathing and even in our own homes.

Also, I imagine Pelosi spends a fair bit of time each year fancy health spas. Used to be, many of these were entirely for female clientele. Or if they served both sexes, there were separate change rooms, saunas, hot tubs, lounges etc for each sex - which made it comfortable for women. (As well as treatment rooms, tubs, saunas etc for couples, who could be opposite sex.)

The incursion of men into women's spaces is indeed affecting, and will affect, women with wealth and power in other ways too. Many well-off women belong to private tennis and golf clubs as well as super-fancy, exclusive gyms where males like Jenner are now using the women's locker rooms, showers, lounges, etc. This isn't entirely new, of course: Richard Raskin Renee Richards, a TIM "lesbian" who won the right to compete in women's professional tennis in 1976 and long coached Martina N, has been using the female loos and locker rooms in elite-level tennis facilities around the world for 45 years.

Though Jenner himself doesn't (yet) use the ladies tee when golfing, I imagine that in private clubs and municipal courses and courts all across the US, TIMs like Jenner already are demanding that they be allowed to compete in women's events and participate in activities that once were women-only. In the future, there doubtless will be a lot of "ladies doubles" teams in tennis where either one or both members are males - and ladies foursomes in golf consisting of four cross-dressing male fetishists.

The policies Pelosi and Biden are pushing will affect wealthy and powerful women also coz they're changing the rules about sex representation on corporate and non-profit boards, within state Democratic parties, and regarding who gets top-level executive positions - and who gets counted as a woman when sex-based disparities are assessed.

Used to be, there was a move to set aside a certain number of board seats for females; and in states like NY, the Democratic party had a longstanding rule that each local district had to have one male and one female leader. Now, all that's changed - board seats in the private and public sector and Democratic leadership positions in NY meant to be occupied by women are now being allocated to anyone who "identifies as a woman." Same thing has been going on in the corporate world, where for many years now "the highest paid woman in American business" has been a TIM, Martin Martine Rothblatt, and where so many of the "leading women in STEM" are TIMs. Acuurately assessing sex-based earning disparities and the extent of sex discrimination becomes impossible when so many high-paid men in leading industries like tech/Silicon Valley are being counted as women.

Since a lot of men who "identify as women" are rich and powerful themselves, you can bet that women who are also rich and powerful are going to be affected by the presence and pushiness of these men. I've had occasion to get a glimpse of some of the places the ultra-elites hang out, such as the trustees' dining rooms in big-name museums and airports and terminals that serve the posh crowd who travel by private plane/jet. All these used to have very clearly differentiated loos and lounges (and in the air terminals change rooms, often with showers too) for males and females. But now the "women's facilities " in such places are being used by rich and powerful men who say they are women like Priztker, Rothblatt and Jenner. Even a woman as rich and powerful as Pelosi is bound to notice, and perhaps feel ill at ease about it.