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[–]MarkTwainiac 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

“Alice Dreger and others who research autogynephillia have shown that it is more than an erotic paraphillia, it also contains a romantic type of love. So we can’t write it off as a fetish.” What does this mean please? A romantic type of love for what? Of being the the opposite sex?

Saying "it is more than an erotic paraphilia" doesn't mean it's no longer an erotic paraphilia. A cake without frosting on it is still a cake.

The romantic love these men have is love of their own selves imagined as female. Romantic and erotic feelings are closely intertwined, particularly in men.

AGP is at once a male erotic paraphilia, an expression of male narcissism and a form of usually obsessive, all-consuming romantic love of a man for himself imagined as female. AGPs either have full-blown narcissistic personality disorder, or very pronounced narcissistic traits that run deep.

Ray Blanchard has pointed out that AGPs' anger toward women and their sense of entitlement comes from their narcissism, not just from misogyny and their status as males in patriarchy. Here's another sexologist Anne Lawrence, who is an AGP "transwoman," on narcissistic rage in AGPs:

An illuminating twitter thread by another AGP: