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[–]FlippyKing 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"... how many of these things do men think about?"

Straight dude here. I can't speak for others, but I find the changes in beauty standards trending towards not beautiful at all. I don't just mean the photoshop'd eyes, or the impossible and photoshop'd hip to waist ratio thing. I was a young adult during the "big hair" era, and while I found it as attractive any other reasonable hair style, the chemical residue was not fun. It was very much more work than needed from my perspective. Nails and lips I never paid attention to. Obsessing over nails and lips seems like wasted effort imho. Big lips vs "thin" lips I never took note of. I remember years ago a woman I know pointing out someone's thin lips I was like "is that a thing?" Also, trendy fashion is not something I pay attention to.

I think most guys do not notice these things to the extent we're thought to. And even noticing them, like boob size which sort of can not go unnoticed, do not necessarily make for more attractive to everyone. I think the idea of just being generally attractive, and how our appearance often reflects something about ourselves, is under-rated. I don't know if that's helpful.

The "hairless" thing, I've seen people talk about that here in this forum as it being about being attracted to teens. I never saw it that way, but I also found it an unsettling look. But, my understanding is that makes things more sensitive there, and made oral sex a very different experience from my perspective. I can see though that for a woman the idea of looking prepubescent could be much more than just unsettling, especially if a guys like asking for that.