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[–]MarkTwainiac 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I'm referencing the biological drivers of certain inherent male and female behaviours like the male desire to spread their seed to the greatest number of healthy females and the female desire to raise and maintain the familial unit

The male and female behaviors you are describing are not analogous. You have said twice now that there's a

natural biological impulse in women to foster the familial unit and protect young

And that female human beings all have an innate

female desire to raise and maintain the familial unit

What is "the familial unit" that you keep speaking of and claiming all women and girls have an innate "female desire" to "foster and maintain"?

Is it the atomized nuclear family of mom+dad+kids now common in the modern West? Or is it the multigenerational model of extended family that much of the world has lived in through history, which typically has decreed that girls and women upon marriage must move into the homes of their in-laws and become sex slaves to their husbands and domestic servants/slaves to him and the rest of his relatives?

Is the familial unit you say we female humans all have a biological desire to foster and maintain the one that in virtually every culture across the world through history has been kept going coz people of means have been able to hire - and exploit - desperately poor girls and women with no other options as domestic servants, wet nurses, nursemaids, governesses, housekeepers, companions, nannies, au pairs, babysitters and caregivers?

I'm not trying to cast aspersions on you as a person, but I think what you are preaching here is male sexist bullshit. I say this as a female person who has studied and considered this issue over the course of more than 50 years and has personally birthed and raised human young whilst also pair-bonding with male partners.

BTW, I agree with you that most women do not understand male sexuality and the overwhelmingly powerful nature of the male sex drive. That's an excellent point. I'd like to hear more of what you as a male person have to say about that. But I'm not really interested in the sweeping generalizations you make from on high about what you think the entire human female population inherently and innately desires.