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[–]MarkTwainiac 9 insightful - 4 fun9 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

It used to be that people had RL feelings, sensations and experiences that they/we perceived as novel, unexpected and thrilling, and they/we tried to come up with names and descriptions of these feelings, sensations and experiences afterwards.

With Ben and her generation (and many other young people nowadays) this seems entirely flipped around: they first name/label the feelings, sensations and experiences they think they should have in conformity to the narrow "identities" and rigid ideologies they've chosen to embrace, then they go seek interactions with others that will "validate" their identities and ideologies and will also generate the feelings, sensations, experiences that they've already decided are the feelings, sensations, experiences they should and are allowed to have.

I know I sound like an fogey when I say this, but I really think today's yoof would be better off if their recreational drugs were LSD, cocaine, Ecstasy, speed, booze and such rather than cross-sex hormones, gender doctrinism and authoritarianism.