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[–]MarkTwainiac 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Ben is really bright, incisive and well-spoken. And so calm in her manner and delivery too.

she only learned about clitoris and female orgasm at the age of 18? Wow. Unsure where she is from but good lord, what kind of sex ed is given to young people nowadays?! Just anal sex and rimjobs or what?

I believe she grew up and still lives in Canada. But to the point of her not learning about the clitoris and female orgasm til age 18: I think this shows how far she was into the trans cult, and how deep her internalized misogyny and lesbophobia went. She's clearly highly intelligent, and her story shows that she was online all the time from an early age, is tech savvy and probably is excellent at doing internet searches. Yet she was so horrified by being female and so intent on distancing herself from everything and anything to do with female bodies, female sexuality and female people that it probably never occurred to her back then to look up info about female anatomy and female sexual pleasure. Her horror would have precluded her from even wondering or asking about such matters.

Yet somehow she managed to "snap out of it" - which I think is a credit to her vast intelligence, strength and resilience.

Also, from what I've heard her say, she was put on anti-depressants (SSRIs?) at an early age, and remained on them for years. As she has noted, the anti-depressants interfered with her being able to experience her own sexual feelings and adolescent sexual awakening, and I imagine it might have impaired her in other ways too. Kids should not be put on these drugs unless an absolute emergency. And if they are put on them, it should be for the shortest possible time.

In the pre-SSRI era, anti-depressants such as Nortriptyline were recommended only short term - everyone was encouraged to try to go off them after 6 months or a year. And after the first SSRI, Prozac, came on the market in 1989/90, it and the other SSRIs that followed were still seen as drugs that should only be used short-term. (To this day, none of 'em have been tested for longer than 6 weeks - yes, that's weeks, not months.) But now people are staying on these meds for years and years... and funny thing, rates of depression and anxiety are only going up - way up - not down.

[–]vitunrotta[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Good points. The SSRI's - I believe she actually mentions this in the video - probably also played a huge part in all of this. It does make sense she would deny any form of female sexuality, yet it still begs the question: did she simply not attend any sex ed classes, did she refuse to listen, or is female anatomy etc. simply not taught in schools anymore?

Her "snapping out of it" is indeed thanks to her intellect and ability to think by herself and defy the trans-cult which had been fed to her for years. It must have been difficult, yet she managed. So glad she made it out, yet it makes me even more worried about girls who may not have her level of resilience - for a multitude of reasons - and who'll just trudge along the trans alley until it's too late.

[–]MarkTwainiac 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Yes, you're right, it does raise the questions about sex ed. I have no idea what they teach in Canada, or how easy it is for kids in Canada to cut classes or attend them and "zone out."

I too worry about all the girls without Ben's intellectual gifts and strength of personality. Your description of them "trudging along the trans alley" to a no-woman's world is excellent. What's going on today is like something out of a dystopian novel about a really sick, twisted, destructive, evil society. I fear we're living amidst a time when Western civilization, such as it is, is collapsing, as civilizations tend to do; who'd a thunk that the information age would've ended up ushering in not an era of enlightenment but a new dark ages?

[–]vitunrotta[S] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Been wondering the same. We suddenly have all the information in the world, literally in our pockets - yet more and more people opt out of any logical, fact-based reality and instead turn to e.g. conspiracy theories (whose level of craziness varies). I'm not an expert, historian, sociologist etc. but I can see at least a few things that have happened that MAY be the reason we're now seemingly witnessing the downfall of our societies:

  • The incredibly fast growth of internet. I tend to think that we simply were not quite smart enough to deal with the whole concept. While it has been very useful in some instances, it has become absolutely sinister in others.

  • Social media platforms using algorithms that follow your every search, like and comment - and then concoct the "perfect" array of sites and/or people you might like. You're then effectively shut out from seeing the other side at all, and when you're locked inside your own perfect little bubble of hivemind it's easy to dismiss any other opinions.

  • News publications blatantly appeasing a certain political crowd only; facts don't matter or they'll be twisted to support whichever political side they fall on to. (And it seems there are only TWO sides now: the neonazis and ultra liberals: if you say anything at all that might not be "super progressive" you'll be called a racist and a nazi - if you say anything at all that might not be "right wing" you're a wimpy boot licking liberal.) Open, honest discourse seems to be a thing of the past. Every word and event and person is politicized.

  • The invention of fake news. This blatantly idiotic idea swept across the planet like a wildfire and I don't know if there's a way back. Maybe if we'd start seeing more publications reporting neutrally? Then again that would mean you as a journalist would likely go against the owner of whichever publication you work for - and your factual reporting won't ever make it to the papers (heh, I'm still living in the past era where newspapers were made of PAPER, I have tremendous difficulty saying "news sites" instead.)

  • Finally, the ever-growing cancel culture. Say anything that opposes the "accepted" status quo (GC ideology is a very good example) and BOOM! Cancelled. Bullied. Doxxed. So, reasonable people fear the inevitable backlash and also understand they may risk their jobs and livelihoods by outing their opinions = they remain quiet, and so all the WrongThink will continue to diminish, little by little. Honestly, we have already witnessed so many experts being kicked out of their jobs by stating mere facts. It's understandable that the Average Jane/Joe, having seen this, thinks: well damn that, I won't say a thing.

There are probably thousands of other reasons, big and small, that are playing parts in this collapse. These were the first few that came to mind.

[–]BEB 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Excellent post. The only thing I would add is that companies have bought up media outlets and control the content in order to profit from the propaganda.

Democracy Now! which positions itself as the flagship "independent" news outlet in the US, is actually heavily funded by the gender lobby, which reflects in its spewing gender propaganda to the US's Far Left.

[–]vitunrotta[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thank you! And yes, totally agree. I'd also add that the ever growing economical inequality on its own is a MASSIVE reason for a lot of things that we are witnessing now. People are becoming more and more desperate (especially now with Coronavirus wreaking havoc around the world) - and when you become desperate, you will also desperately look for someone to point your finger at.

Funnily enough it never seems to e.g. be the billionaires who are breezily swimming through this truly excellent year of 2020... And in the U.S., even the President who has failed in every way & form to keep the virus (and country!) in control faces surprisingly little opposition. One can hope some things will change in the near future, but I sure ain't holding my breath.

Anyway, I digress. I suppose this topic would deserve its very own thread, as it is something we can only overcome if we'd dissect every aspect of it and try to find solutions - instead of stubbornly pointing fingers. And we people are SO good at coming together and thinking constructively, eh, eh? Right? /s

[–]MarkTwainiac 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, vitunrotta, what you've said here does deserve its own thread. Hope you make one!