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[–]PressSnoozeWoke 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

At first, I found it really annoying, but now, sometimes it's bordering on laughable (it would be more amusing if we weren't in such a mess in this point of time). Stating that a man is not a woman is "transphobic". Stating that a man cannot have a period is "transphobic". They keep throwing the word like confetti to anyone who has any type of criticism. I'm not offended if someone were to call me a transphobe and the last time I was called transphobic, it was whatever to me. When I'm called a terf, I usually point out their misogyny (which they don't seem to understand). I don't mind being labelled a terf, but I don't like seeing others called a terf (maybe because I don't know how that person is internalizing the label?). I don't like when the terf label comes with "shut up" or things like "silence terf!", etc. I notice the sexual /violent threats are more accompanied with "terf" than "transphobe" though, now that I'm thinking about it.