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[–]MarkTwainiac[S] 27 insightful - 1 fun27 insightful - 0 fun28 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

As a child of parents with a terminal illness, I am obviously upset, too. Unexpected, however, is the sense that my identities as a man, husband and father — all predicated on my gender transition — seem to be falling away, too, as their dementia progresses and they forget who I am.

It only has to due with gender identity in this person's head. The writer is so narcissistic and so wedded to, and dependent on, gender identity ideology that s/he goes to great lengths trying to make the tragedy of what's happening to mom and dad all about himself and his fucking phony "identities as a man, husband and father."

I read it as the writer trying to make it appear that the prospect of his phony identities "falling away" is on par with having a terminal illness that causes people to actually lose their minds.

He seems to think not having his precious "identities" to constantly obsess over, blather about and make everyone else notice would a fate akin to, perhaps even worse than, dying of a terrible and terribly cruel disease. Coz the writer is a narcissist and his "identities" are the means by which he obtains the narcissistic supply of constant attention he needs like the rest of us need oxygen.