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[–]BEB 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You sound like a sweetheart!

I'm not as nice as you: I'm not worried that "the allies against trans insanity today will be adversaries of trans rights tomorrow."

We women had to fight for every single thing we have. We had to fight for public bathrooms simply in order to leave the house.

We had to fight for education, for sports, for the vote... you know the drill. And some of these battles were in my lifetime!

Trans, Inc., is extremely well-funded -hundreds of millions of dollars a year are being poured into destroying women's rights to benefit TIMs - they can use that money, and that tremendous power, to fight for trans rights and trans spaces, and leave ours alone.