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[–]NecessaryScene1 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

You've just crystallised a thought for me.

"JL" on Graham Linehan's site recently referred to them as the "Munchausen Mums of Mermaids", which is a great turn of phrase. There is a school of thought that says that the surge in infant transing is the newly trendy form of Munchausen-by-proxy. (Quite distinct from the female ROGD surge, which is substituting for previous teenage female acts like anorexia or cutting).

And Munchausen-by-proxy is very much a female thing. I just went to check if that's true, not a stereotype, and Wikipedia cites a study saying it's 93% female. (I'd be curious to see more stats - have recorded Munchausen-by-proxy cases gone down recently? What about if you add back in childhood trans children? I'd be willing to bet there's a substitution effect).

And I think that wraps up the whole package. Women know that the world (and maybe their partner?) doesn't give a shit about them. But they know they might give a shit about their children. Hence some women go off the rails and use their children. They don't use self-harm - they harm their children.

And Mermaids is a whole organisation founded by these women - no experts, just a group of women who are supporting and justifying themselves in their acts of harm.

And, obviously, it now follows that the organisation itself is engaging in blatant child manipulation. Why wouldn't it? They don't see what they're doing individually, so why would they see it in their group's public statements?

But we see it.

[–]MarkTwainiac 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Good points. Jazz Jennings' mom is another example of this. She's always been the main driver of the push to trans Jazz.

Also, mothers who go Munchausen usually don't seem to have much going on in their lives other than being mothers. They don't appear to have or previously had jobs or careers that bring them much satisfaction, prestige, clout, accomplishment, self-esteem or financial benefits. None of them seem to be involved in sports or athletics, to engage in artistic or creative activities, to have fulfilling social lives, or to have hobbies or interests like gardening, cooking, reading, book clubs or Bingo. Although many do go to church/synagogue - or did in the past. Until they became "trans moms" & cheerleaders for the LGBTQ-WTF, most were not politically engaged, did not do any volunteer work, and did not appear to give a shit about the oppressed & marginalized. Many were - and still are - extreme homophobes & sexists, so it's laughable that they are now supposedly aligned with the "alphabet people," welcomed by establishment "LGBTQ" organizations, and are lauded for their supposed work on behalf of sexual minorities.

Other examples of mothers inflicting harm on their kids to get the attention, applause & hipster status that as middle-aged moms they otherwise would not be able to obtain are the mothers of those poor "drag kids" who go by the stage names Desmond Is Amazing & Lactacia.

[–]BEB 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I read a study that found that mothers of, I think it was TIMs, tend to have a certain, I think it was, personality disorder. Could have been Borderline Personality Disorder.

Sorry to be so vague; I'll have to find the study and post it.

Anecdotally, all the mothers of "trans" kids I've encountered have seemed to be smug narcissists, so I wouldn't be shocked if some of these kids are victims of Munchausen-by-proxy.