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[–]Marsupial 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's also the question what you're selecting for when studying the transgender community. Are the suicide/suicide attempts the result of dysphoria in an otherwise healthy population? Or is the dysphoria just a symptom that manifests in people with a very high degree of mental illness? Their problem may not be the dysphoria, it's likely to be mental illness that's causing them to be dysphoric.

Also, I think becoming dysphoric after you've mutilated your body, ruined many of its innate functions through puberty blockers and HRT, and wasted years of your life setting all other things aside to become something of a social inbetween that doesn't fit into normal societal context anymore is a perfectly sane and normal response. It's reasonable to feel bad after having violated yourself, destroyed your body and ruined your life that way.